09. Policy: Spring 2022 Custom Updates
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Submitted by jenny_hunter on Wed, 07/13/2022 - 2:19pm
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
At the June 20 meeting, Dr. Brian Weaver presented 41 policies from the NCSBA Spring 2022 Custom Policy Updates as first-read information. There have been no changes since that time. Most of the policies contain only minor revisions while others have more notable changes (see below). Three policies are recommended for recission. One policy (6220) contains local changes in addition to the recommendations from NCSBA. There are no new policies. Dr. Weaver will answer any questions you may have.
A motion is in order to approve the 38 policies listed below as revised and to rescind policies 2420, 2440, and 2450.
Spring 2022 Custom Updates
Includes two new conflict of interest rules for board members as required by a recently enacted state law.
NCSBA has consolidated the information from old policy 2410, Policy Development; policy 2420, Adoption of Policies; policy 2440, Policy Review and Evaluation; and policy 2450, Suspension of Board Policies, to create this one comprehensive policy addressing policy development. If the board adopts this revised version of 2410, it should rescind policies 2420, 2440, and 2450.
Recommended for recission
Language has been updated for clarity.
Recommended for recission
Recommended for recission
Section B has been revised to clarify that schools may temporarily transition to remote instruction only if permitted by law.
In addition to various other changes, Section C, which was an optional section, has been removed because most schools are not dividing their school improvement plan into two parts. The information in old Section C has been moved to Section B and remains optional.
Includes organizational and editorial changes and a new Section H to address the new statutory requirement that child abuse and neglect information be provided to students in grades 6-12.
Updated based on the current FAA guidelines
Revision related to the COVID-19 response
In subsection A.8, the amount of Child Nutrition Program operating balance required in order to assess indirect costs to the program was increased in accordance with a change in state law. Additional custom changes to Section B were recommended by School Nutrition Director Janette Broda. Local changes are shown in blue.
Revision related to the COVID-19 response
In Section A, rules were added for conducting the sale or exchange of property valued at less than $30,000. These rules may be modified but must remain designed to secure for the school system fair market value for all property disposed of and to accomplish the disposal efficiently and economically. Also added references to the North Carolina Constitution.
Revision related to the COVID-19 response
Includes the addition of a telework option (in accordance with policy 7503, Teleworking) and clarification of when time may be made up for different types of employees.
Updated the list of authorized salary deductions, including the addition of a provision to reflect a new state law requirement for a 12-month pay option for 10- and 11-month employees.
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