03. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Summer Feeding Update 2024
The Transylvania County School Nutrition department served 3,983 breakfast meals, 4,812 lunch meals, and 584 snacks during the month of June.  This averages to approximately 260 children per day.  This is an increase of 43% breakfasts served and 8% lunch meals served compared to last summer.  The opportunity to serve multiple meals to children at our open sites, through home deliveries or the option to pick up meals, has really helped our families. 
Egolf Motors Back to School Bash - July 13
Egolf Motors of Brevard hosted a Back to School Bash on Saturday, July 13, with games, music, a 50/50 raffle, a fire truck, police car, ambulance, school bus, the Transylvania County Bookmobile, So Dough! Sweets & More, plus a collection of donated school supplies.  Sponsors for the event included Bowman’s Custom Woodwork, Whisky Throttle Customs, Advance Auto Parts, Isaac Allen-White Squirrel Realty, Foggy Bottom Cabins, Hawg Wild, Headwaters Outfitters, Donny Cantrell-Chase Insurance, Brevard Diner, and Tidal Wave.  All proceeds were designated for Transylvania County Schools.  Our thanks to Egolf and the many sponsors for their generous support.
Tanya Melton Receives Regional CTE Award
Transylvania County School’s Tanya Melton recently received the 2024 CTE Curriculum and Instructional Management Coordinator of the Year Award for the Western Region.  Congratulations to Mrs. Melton!
TCS Staff Attend WRESA Leadership Conference
Transylvania County teachers and leaders enjoyed two days of learning at the annual Western Regional Educational Service Alliance (WRESA) Summer Leadership Conference in June.  Paige Capps, PFES Teacher; Amanda Lewis, PFES Principal; Carrie Norris, Chief Academic Officer; Sarah Reid, RHS Teacher; Nichole Cash, BES Assistant Principal; Jessica McCall, BMS Principal; and Heather McNeely, RHS Teacher, attended sessions designed to strengthen strategies and skills for school leaders. 
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvania.schools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/user/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud:  soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools ǀ WSQL Radio:  bit.ly/TCSYesRadio!
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