08. FY23 Budget & Capital Update

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Chief Finance Officer Gabi Frost will present a resolution regarding funding for the piping repairs at Pisgah Forest Elementary School, an application for lottery funding, three budget amendments, and updated preliminary budget documents for FY23.  The documents are attached.  Ms. Frost will answer any questions you may have.
A motion(s) is in order to approve the resolution for piping repairs at PFES and the application for lottery funding.
A motion is in order to approve the budget amendments for the State Public School Fund, Local Public School Fund, and the Federal Grants Fund as presented. 
Director Alan Justice will give an update on capital projects.  A capital outlay status report is attached.  Mr. Justice will answer any questions you may have.  
FEMA has completed their review and analysis of the damage to the baseball and football practice fields at Rosman High/Middle School.  The superintendent has secured the services of a qualified engineer to assess the damage and has provided this report to FEMA.  Total estimated costs to restore the fields to their previous condition is $192,873.25. 
FEMA has 2 options for reimbursement of expenses:
Option 1 Fixed Cost - FEMA has provided a fixed cost proposal for repairs.  The amount is for $188,601.00, of which $47,150.25 would need to be provided by the board.  FEMA’s reimbursement would remain the same regardless of the actual bid price.
Option 2 Reject Fixed Cost Offer – If the fixed cost offer above is rejected by the board or no action is taken within 30 days, FEMA will provide reimbursement on a strict actual cost basis.
The superintendent recommends the board reject the fixed cost offer and proceed on an actual cost basis.  By doing so the board would not need to provide any funds for the repairs, as long as the project scope remains as written in the grant application.  Dr. McDaris and Mr. Justice will answer any questions you may have.
A motion is in order to select an option for FEMA’s reimbursement of repairs to the baseball and football fields at Rosman High/Middle School.
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