09. CTE Plan 2020-2021

Primary tabs

Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Missy Ellenberger will present the Career and Technical Education (CTE) plan for 2020-2021.  The strategic plan and the PRC13 document are attached, and Mrs. Ellenberger has provided the following outline to guide your review.  Approval of the plan will be requested at the next regular meeting on June 15.
Part I Data/ Indicators of Performance (pp. 3-29):
The data is automatically loaded from the state. Not all of the information has been uploaded as you will see; however, based on what we have, strategies have been developed to address gaps.
Part II Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (pp. 30-70):
The narrative portion discusses what Transylvania CTE does well and areas for improvement, as well as strategies for making improvements.
Part III Local Application Narratives (pp. 72-79):
Narratives pertaining to the pathways offered by TCS, which are state approved.
Part IV Work Study (pp. 80-82):
Not applicable to TCS
Part V Budgets (pp. 83-95):
Federal PRC 017 has not been loaded by the state as of 5/28/20. However, we are told it will look similar to the 2019-2020 budget. 
State PRC 014
State PRC 013 - TCS is given 206 months of CTE employment. The budget is included as an attachment.
Assurances (pp. 97-108)
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