07. Revised School Calendar for 2020-2021
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Submitted by jenny_hunter on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 11:32am
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Senate Bill 704 (signed into law on May 4, 2020) requires substantive changes that North Carolina school districts must incorporate into their 2020-2021 school calendars. While the General Assembly added five (5) instructional days to the school calendar, the number of total days in the school calendar must remain the same (215 days). This total is reached by having 180 student days, 11 holidays, 10 annual leave days, and 14 teacher workdays. Our task was to revise the calendar with the following provisions from SB704:
- The school calendar must consist of 215 total days (This hasn't changed).
- The opening day for students is now August 17, 2020.
- Closing date for students is no later than June 11, 2021.
- The calendar must consist of “190 days of instruction” as follows: 185 days (or 1,025 hours), including five (5) remote instructional days.
- The remote learning days may not occur prior to August 24.
Dr. Brian Weaver prepared three draft calendars with the SB704 changes and reviewed them with the calendar committee via remote meeting on May 22. Members were asked to share the drafts with their respective schools and collect feedback. A second remote meeting was held on May 28 to share collected feedback, make revisions, and vote on the final draft. The recommended new calendar for the 2020-2021 school year is attached. Dr. Weaver will review the calendar and answer questions from the board. He will also request board approval in order to give stakeholders timely notice of the new start date and other calendar changes.
The board may take action on the revised school calendar for the 2020-2021 year.
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