03. Good News Report
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Submitted by jenny_hunter on Fri, 09/17/2021 - 12:05pm
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Generosity of Spirit
The Rosman and Balsam Grove communities were hit hard by heavy rains and flooding during the week of August 16-20. Many families lost personal possessions and had damage to vehicles and homes. Some school athletic facilities were damaged as well. At the Rosman High v. East Henderson football game on August 20, which was played at the BHS stadium, the East Henderson fans took up a collection and donated $500 to help repair the Rosman baseball field and other facilities. At the North Henderson game on August 27, the North Henderson fans raised $600 to help Rosman High. There have been donations from Brevard and Rosman fans and alumni among others. In all, over $2,000 has been raised to help the school make needed repairs. We thank the many friends and neighbors for their generosity of spirit and sportsmanship.
TCS Teacher & Student Featured in NC Council on the Holocaust Newsletter
Brevard Middle School teacher Kelly Muse and BHS student Brooke LaRowe are featured in the September 2021 issue of the North Carolina Council on the Holocaust newsletter. Ms. Muse teaches an eight-week Holocaust Literature unit that is designed to inform students about this historical atrocity and to help young people expand their sense of empathy and acceptance of their fellow man, no matter their differences. In the article, Miss LaRowe described the Holocaust unit as “more than just reading words on a page” and explains how the experience helped her gain a greater sense of understanding. The newsletter is attached. Ms. Muse and Miss LaRowe are featured on pages 3 and 4.
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