03. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Graduation 2020
Before schools were closed for the remainder of the year, the 2020 graduation ceremonies for Davidson River School, Brevard High School, and Rosman High School were scheduled to take place during the first week of June.  Due to the current restrictions on large public gatherings, those ceremonies as originally planned cannot take place.  However, plans are underway to provide a modified graduation event for the class of 2020.  Please look for details to be announced soon on our website http://www.tcsnc.org. 
Emergency Meals-To-You
Having kids out of school can cause extra stress to families.  It takes extra time to shop for groceries and extra money to pay for food because kids aren’t getting meals at school.  Emergency Meals-To-You is a new program that delivers—for FREE—directly to your door, kid-friendly, no-cook meals every two weeks for every child in the household ages 1-18.  The program could run through September, and all children are eligible without regard to enrollment status.  Emergency Meals-To-You is a partnership of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Baylor University, the Carolina Hunger Initiative at UNC, and our school system.  Applications closed today at 5:00 p.m. and Transylvania County Schools was fortunate to be one of 14 districts in North Carolina admitted into this program.   
National Teacher Appreciation Week
The week of May 4-8, 2020 is National Teacher Appreciation Week.  Teachers change the lives of millions of children every day, and with the abrupt end to the physical school year, our teachers have done even more to continue daily education with virtual classrooms and at home learning.  All to ensure that every student has the tools they need to reach their full potential.  In these challenging times, let’s be sure to show teachers our thanks and appreciation!
Educators of the Year 2020-2021
We were not able to hold the “Teacher of the Year” awards reception this year, but we certainly want to recognize and congratulate all of the outstanding educators who were selected as the “best of the best” by their colleagues for 2020-2021:
Student Services Person of the Year:  Hallie Moore (BHS)
Media/Technology Person of the Year:  Cameron Weaver (PFES)
Principal of the Year:  Tonya Treadway (PFES)
Rookie of the Year:  Courtney Gibson (BES)
Teacher Assistants of the Year:  Faith Stamey (BES), Carri Harris (BHS), Erika McCall (BMS), Aubrey Moore (PFES), Patricia Roman (RES), Sandy O’Rourke (RHS), and Holly Watkins (TCH)
Teachers of the Year:  Maggie McLauchlin (BES), Erica Thompson (BHS), Glenda Bingle (BMS), Jessica Williams (DRS), Emily Fields (PFES), Jessica Ammons (RES), Sara Cathey (RHS), Laura Smith (RMS), and Margaret Joseph (TCH)
Efforts are underway to select our District TOY and TAOY winners for 2020-2021.  Stay tuned for more information.   
National School Principals’ Day
National School Principals’ Day is observed nationally on May 1st each year, and let’s take a moment to thank these dedicated professionals for their leadership and dedication to providing the best education possible for their students.  Principals allocate financial resources, set and implement academic goals, work with state and district education officials, communicate with parents, deal with discipline issues, and work long weeks.  They motivate others and help lead young people to a prosperous future.  Please join us in saying “thank you” to all the hardworking principals in our schools.  
National School Nurse Day
May 6, 2020 is National School Nurse Day.  School nurses play an integral role in the health of students and the overall health of the schools in which they work.  Nationwide, the number of students with physical and mental health conditions and students who are affected by societal issues such as living in poverty increases every year.  In addition to one-on-one services to students, school nurses connect providers, parents, and communities to bolster student attendance, wellness, and learning.  Please join us in thanking our wonderful school nurses for all they do every day.   
School Lunch Hero Day
Friday, May 1st was School Lunch Hero Day, a national celebration of the hard-working individuals who prepare healthy meals for our students every day.  Especially now when schools are shut down, the role of our cafeteria workers is more important than ever before.  The meals they prepare and deliver each week are vitally important to children in our community who do not have a secure food source.  We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the entire school nutrition team for the many ways they support our county’s children and families during these challenging times. 
Bright Ideas Grant from Haywood EMC
Each year, the North Carolina Electric Cooperatives organization awards more than 600 Bright Ideas grants to teachers for projects that improve classroom instruction and utilize innovative teaching methods.  Our sponsoring cooperative, Haywood Electric, has invited Transylvania County teachers to apply for the grants again this year.  To be considered for a grant, the proposed project must meet the following criteria:
  • Be reviewed and approved by your principal or supervisor
  • Directly involve and provide ongoing benefits to students
  • Seek to achieve clearly defined goals and learning objectives
  • Use innovative and creative teaching methods
  • Feature measurable results that can be evaluated upon completion
To learn more about the Bright Ideas Grant Program, visit www.ncbrightideas.comThe early bird deadline for applications is August 15 and the final deadline is September 15. 
TCSEF Experiential Learning Scholarship Open for Applications
Formerly the Washington DC Close Up Scholarship, the Transylvania County Schools Educational Foundation (TCSEF) Experiential Learning Scholarship is open for applications.  This scholarship has been expanded to include any learning opportunity that allows a rising high school student in Transylvania County Schools to explore a career or field of study they are interested in (e.g., NC State College of Design - Design Camp, PARI Space Camp, Camp MasterChef, Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Seminar, Economics for Leaders at Wake Forest University, etc.).  The possibilities are endless!   Students that will be in grades 9-12 for the 2020-2021 school year are eligible.  Apply or learn more at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfbiHdPxCTRePSaoviimxLWoWJyWvFLLTiqfNq_EQtmb4B3Iw/viewform.
UNC-TV Educational Programming
UNC-TV is providing students in grades 4-12 with a robust schedule of educational programs while schools are shut down.  This vetted, curriculum-informed programming is available Monday through Friday, from 8am to 1pm for grades 4-8, and from 1pm to 6pm for grades 9-12 (actual times may vary, please check the weekly schedule at unctv.org/ahl). This is an evolving effort on the part of UNC-TV and NCDPI to serve the needs of North Carolina’s children. The educational programming block is available over the air on the North Carolina Channel and may be streamed live at unctv.org/athomelearning.
Brevard HIgh in U.S. News & World Report
It’s official!  Brevard High School is a 2020 Best High School, based on rankings that U.S. News and World Report published on April 21, by earning a national ranking in the top 40%.  U.S. News received AP and IB data directly from the College Board and International Baccalaureate, respectively, for use in the rankings.  The state assessment data and graduation rates are from each state, and other data comes from the U.S. Department of Education Common Core of Data.  Congratulations to the students, teachers, families, and administrators of Brevard High School!
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud:  soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools
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