11. Resolution Urging Remittance of Civil Penalities Withheld from NC Public Schools

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Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
The North Carolina School Boards Association has been working to formulate a responsible payment option for the unpaid $730 million that the state still owes to NC public schools per a 2008 court judgment regarding civil penalties.  The judge ruled that those funds should have been used exclusively for school technology, but were instead unconstitutionally diverted to other purposes.  The General Assembly plans to reconvene in January 2020.  NCSBA believes this gives the General Assembly time to put a payment plan in place months before they work on the next budget during the short session.  To that end, NCSBA has drafted a resolution for local boards to adopt and send to state legislators. 
A motion is in order to approve the attached resolution urging the state to take action to remit civil penalties unconstitutionally withheld from North Carolina’s public schools.
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