08. Support Staff Update

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
At the March 5 meeting, the board requested a report on the numbers and ratios of student support staff (school nurses, social workers, psychologists, and counselors) for our district.  Dr. McDaris will provide an update.
Social Workers (2.8)
Counselors (8)
Psychologists (3)
School Nurses (3)
TCS = 1:1214
BES = 1:564
TCS = 1:1133
TCS = 1:1133
PFE = 1:509
RES = 1:315
TCH = 0.3/134 = 1:227.8
BMS = 1:522
RMS = 0.7/253 = 1:328
DRS = 1:92
BHS = 1:373
RHS = 1:327
Nat’l Recommendation =
NC Recommendation =
PRC-007 Instructional Support Personnel - Certified (State Public School Fund)
Guaranteed funding for salaries and benefits for certified instructional support personnel. Positions in this category include school counselors, social workers, media coordinators, psychologists, speech language pathologists, technology facilitators. The funding shall not be used for administrators, coordinators, supervisors, or directors. 
Current state allotment is 16 positions in this area.  We have well over 16 such positions so we use other funding sources to cover the rest.
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