04. Good News Report
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Submitted by jenny_hunter on Thu, 12/15/2016 - 12:11pm
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
TCSYes Twitter Challenge Fall 2016
During November 7-22, TCS staffers took the challenge to tweet at least once a day to share the great things happening at school and in their professional lives. Participants shared over 600 tweets and lots of insight into working and learning in Transylvania County Schools. Congratulations to Kathryn Bailey at BHS for winning the Twitter Challenge. Ms. Bailey won a $30 gift card to Mayberry’s and a $20 gift certificate to D.D. Bullwinkel’s. Other winners received $5 gift cards from Blue Ridge Bakery, Bracken Mountain Bakery, and Quotations. For a look at the entire two-week event, follow this link to https://storify.com/TransylvaniaSch/tcsyes-twitter-challenge-fall-2016.
TCS Tech Quest Winner
Congratulations to PFES teacher, Katie Bland, winner of the TCS Tech Quest Raffle. Katie’s name was chosen from 99 entries—teachers’ names were submitted multiple times based on the number of quests he/she completed. Great job!
FBLA Regional Competition
Congratulations to the following students from BHS who placed at the Western Regional FBLA Competition at Franklin High School on December 2. There were 160 competitors in 20 different competitions. Dolly McCall is the FBLA sponsor.
August Barnham, 1st Place, Business Communications
Jammi Hunt, 1st Place, Business Calculations
Noah Housman, 3rd Place, Business Calculations
Meredith Barton, 4th Place, Job Interview
Nate Davis, 3rd Place, Public Speaking 1
Cullen Duval, 2nd Place, Public Speaking 2
Holiday Cheer
Students and staff of Transylvania County Schools have been celebrating Christmas all month with holiday concerts, musicals, plays, parades, Twilight Tour, angel trees and other activities. A big thank you to everyone who performed, marched, donated, and otherwise gave of their time and talents this holiday season.
Santa Visits RES
Santa Claus came to visit the children of Rosman Elementary School on Tuesday, December 13. He flew in from the North Pole right after the 8:00 bell rang with the present of a book for each child. Santa encouraged students to continue learning and reading through their lifelong journey. Pictures of students were also taken and shared with families, creating a lasting memory for this year and beyond.
New Bus Monitoring System
Working with U.S. Cellular, Transylvania County Schools has a new GPS bus monitoring system that will help school administrators track every bus by location and speed, improving safety and shortening response times for any emergency. A demonstration of the new software was held at the bus garage on December 13 to show how administrators can easily track buses from their desktops and smartphones.
RHS is Getting a Beehive
Rosman High School recently received word that its application to the Bee Cause Project for a Whole Foods Honey Bee Grant has been approved. Congratulations to Sarah Justice and everyone who worked on the grant application. Happy buzzing!
BES is an A+ School
Congratulations to Brevard Elementary School for being selected as a new A+ School. The A+ Schools Program of the North Carolina Arts Council is the largest, longest running, most successful arts-based whole-school reform effort in the nation. Since 1995, A+ Schools has been using the arts as a catalyst for creating connections and making school engaging, meaningful and enjoyable places to learn.
Students at Pisgah Forest Elementary have taken #GingerbreadSTEM to a whole new level. With a replica of downtown Brevard and The Cradle of Forestry, PFE Rangers are putting on a huge presentation of their developing research, design, and collaboration skills. Every student at Pisgah Forest participated at some stage in the gingerbread creations. Mrs Rhodes' 4th grade class has a special presentation on The Cradle of Forestry, which is featured in our Facebook video. A special presentation of the gingerbread replicas was held on December 19 from 2-4 p.m.
TCSEF Mini-Grants Awarded
The Transylvania County School Educational Foundation has awarded the following projects full or partial grants for the period starting January 1, 2017. Congratulations to all!
Stephanie Ramsey
Health Models for Teaching
Heather McNeely
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Joe Russo
Mapping America in 3-D
Adria Hardy
Calculus in Motion/Algebra in Motion
Sarah Justice
We’ve Seen Europe. Now Where Are We Going?
Jeanne DeJong
Catch a Mouse to Make Working on a Chromebook Easier
Amy Schoenacher
Pop Some Tags
Bart Gilleland
Portable PA System for Fine Arts at BHS
Jeffrey Micchelli
The Juice Squad
Monica Bickford
Muddy Sneakers at RES
Sarah Justice & Devin Wilson
We Come In Peace! The Robot Invasion
Deanna Campbell
BES Muddy Sneakers
Sheila Mooney
College Visits
Charlene Cali
3D and Me
Karen Brown
Let the Games Begin!
Kevin Smith
Education Center
Video “Power Tools”
Jim Leatherwood
It’s All About the Bass
Jessica Webb
Project Rebound’s Annual Service Project: An Educational Community Screening of the Documentary REJECT
Tom Young
Healthy Exercise/Healthy Eating for Healthy Living
Connie Newman
Graphic Novels in the Spanish Classroom
Meredith Licht
Video as Voice: Using the Power of Video to Tell Our Stories
Julie Queen & Linda Carrillo
Full STEAM Ahead Spanish
Carrie McCall
Getting Fit
Carrie Morrison
New York Times Upfront Magazine by Scholastic Subscription for ENG 9/10
Ursula Leahy
Exercise Pedaler for ADHD Students
Rhiannon Musgrove
Stand-Up Desks for Odyssey Program
Peggy Bayne
Children’s Author at RES
Tammy Ducker
Full STEAM Ahead with Chromebooks at PFE
Renee Compton
Moving and Grooving
Anne Hardy
Sensory Integration Toolbox: Teaching the Whole Child
Jeanne DeJong & Alyse Hollingsworth
Going Places with Google Cardboard
Anna Poteat
Listening to Read: Time to Upgrade
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Twitter: twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr: flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram: Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube: youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App: Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools
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