03. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Youth Art Exhibit
On May 24, Brevard Elementary School 4th grader, Abigail Malmin, attended a reception in Raleigh to see her painting, Cardinal on Vacation, added to the 2016 Youth Art Exhibit in the North Carolina Legislative Building.  Abigail’s work was one of only 15 pieces chosen from a statewide pool of entries.  Prior to her arrival in the state capital, Abigail had sent letters to Representative Chris Whitmire and Senator Tom Apadoca, stating that she and her family would be in Raleigh and that she would like to meet them.  Each legislator took time out of their busy schedules to give the family a tour of the House and Senate Chambers.  Abigail is the daughter of Kyle and Sarah Malmin of Brevard.  Her sister and grandmother, along with BES art teacher, Pam Granger Gale, also attended the event. 
National Technical Honor Society
Fifty-four high school students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) at a ceremony held in the Rogow Room of the Transylvania County Library on April 20.  To be eligible for membership in the NTHS, students must complete a Career/Technical Education (CTE) concentration, meet rigorous academic standards including a 3.0 or higher unweighted GPA, be an active member in a CTE student organization, be recommended by one or more CTE teachers, and demonstrate strong character and leadership traits.  Students become “CTE concentrators” after completing four or more courses in a particular career-related pathway (Technology, Business, Agriculture, Family and Consumer Science, Marketing, Health Science, or Trades and Industry).  CTE Director Arleca Chapman hosted the event, and reported that 73.2% of this year’s seniors completed one or more concentration areas, and over 99% of seniors had taken at least one CTE course.  The graduation rate for CTE concentrators in Transylvania County Schools is 93%.  The seniors inducted into the National Technical Honor Society received honor cords to wear at graduation. 
RHS After Prom Lock-In
For the 15th straight year, Rosman High School hosted its annual after prom lock-in at Brevard College’s Boshamer Gymnasium.  The lock-in provides a fun-filled and safe environment for students and their guests.  All RHS students are invited to attend the lock-in at no cost, whether they attended the prom or not.  School resource officer and co-organizer Greg Stroup, co-organizer Julie Queen, and a number of volunteer chaperones hosted a couple of hundred kids for a night of activities that included basketball, dodgeball, soccer, movies, and LOTS of food--40 pizzas from Jets, and 200 biscuits from Bojangles, just to name a few!  Fifty-two community sponsors donated cash, door prizes and items for drawings.  Prizes ranged from a new bicycle, a dorm refrigerator, flat-screen TV, three kayaks, and GoPro cameras, to concert tickets, handbags, cowboy boots, and sunglasses.  Many thanks to the organizers and staff of Rosman High School, the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Department, and the local businesses and organizations whose generosity and support helped make the 2016 lock-in a big success.
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
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