06. International Student Exchange Trip

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Date Adopted: 
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
At the last meeting, Brevard High School teachers Sara Plum, Ashley Dickson, and Laura Patch presented a request for approval of a student exchange trip to Denmark in the spring of 2016.  Policy IIC, “Field Trip Approval and Cancellation,” states that field trips outside the continental United States shall not be sponsored or approved by individual schools without prior approval of the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent.  Dr. McDaris has met with the teachers and will make a recommendation to the board.  The trip itinerary and policy IIC are attached. 
A motion is in order to take action on the superintendent’s recommendation regarding the student exchange trip to Denmark.    
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