Regular Meeting
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Submitted by Migration on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 3:05pm
Monday, May 5, 2014 - 6:30pm
May 5, 2014
Morris Education Center
6:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Comment
3. Brevard City Council Presentation
4. Good News Report
5. Former Students in the Military
6. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes
B. Personnel Report
7. Federal Grants
8. Dropout Report 2012-2013
9. School Crime and Violence Report 2012-2013
10. Cathey’s Creek Property
11. FY15 Budget
12. Superintendent’s Update
13. Timeline for Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation
14. Important Dates
15. Public Comment
16. Other Items
Approval of Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A motion is in order to approve or revise the meeting agenda for May 5, 2014.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
N.C.G.S. § 115C-51 states that local boards of education shall provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the board. A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, in which case the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing specific individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. No solicitations will be allowed during public comment. Sign-up is not required for the second public comment opportunity at the end of the meeting.
Brevard City Council Presentation
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Sarah Lutz, Planner and Assistant Zoning Administrator for the City of Brevard, will give an update on the Safe Routes to School program and planned improvements to the sidewalk access at Brevard Middle School.
Good News Report
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
National Teacher Appreciation Week
The week of May 5-9, 2014 is recognized as “Teacher Appreciation Week” across the nation. School organizations across the country will have activities throughout the week to honor and thank teachers for all that they do. As a part of the celebration, the Transylvania County Association of Educators “Friends of Education” Banquet will be held on May 29, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rogow Room of the Transylvania County Library.
Brevard Elementary School Celebrates “2000”
On April 23, students, teachers and staff at Brevard Elementary School found a unique way to celebrate the culmination of a months-long activity on heart health. Led by PE teacher Patti Whitaker, students have been “jumping rope for hearts” to raise at least $2,000 in donations for the American Heart Association (they exceeded this goal by $1,400). At the same time, they have been learning about the circulatory system, which pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood daily through the human body. With the assistance of several local businesses, the school collected 2,000 empty gallon milk jugs, and Lifetouch Photography and Comporium Communications donated photography and technical assistance for an outdoor aerial photograph showing the students in red shirts surrounded by red balloons and the 2,000 milk jugs in the shape of a giant heart.
Lady Blue Devils Soccer Team Gives Back
At their home game against East Henderson, the Brevard High Women's Soccer Team held a fundraiser for Adrianna Henderson, an 11-year old Brevard resident who is fighting Lyme's Disease. For treatment, Adrianna must travel to Germany for nine weeks to see a specialist and receive bio photon therapy. Adrianna is a member of Brevard Community Church where she is actively involved in PD Kids and SWITCH, and has strong friendships with members of the Lady Devils soccer team. The Lady Blue Devils raised $608.66 for the Adrianna Henderson Lyme Fund, set up through Macon Bank. Special thanks to Coach Chelsea Dozier for arranging it all.
TCAEOP Administrators’ and Awards Reception
On May 1, the Transylvania County Association of Educational Office Professionals (TCAEOP) held its annual Administrators’ and Awards Reception in the Brevard Middle School Media Center. President Debbie Keever gave the welcome and remarks. Laura Owen presented a special recognition to Principal Mike Bailey for his many years of dedicated service to Pisgah Forest Elementary School and the Transylvania County Schools. Jenny Owenby awarded a $500 scholarship from TCAEOP to Brevard High School student, Katelyn Stewart. Jill Barger presented the EOP of the Year Award to Debbie Siniard, office support at Brevard Elementary School, and Deana Dixon presented the Administrator of the Year Award to Transportation Director, Alan Justice.
Former Students in the Military
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board of Education wishes to thank the former students from Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Davidson River School who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. Military. Twice a year, the names on the attached list are read aloud during Board of Education meetings and the list of names is recognized at every meeting. There are no new names on the list. Additional names will be included as they are received.
Consent Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The following items are submitted for consent approval (see attached):
1. Minutes of the February 25, 2014 meeting
2. Minutes of the April 21, 2014 meeting
3. Minutes of the April 24, 2014 meeting
4. Personnel report for May 5, 2014
A motion is in order to approve the consent agenda items.
Federal Grants
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Transylvania County Schools has given public notice of the following applications for federal grants that have been or will be submitted within the next 30 days. Tammy Bellefeuil will discuss the grants and answer any questions you may have.
IDEA Part B 611
Special education programs for qualified students ages 5-21
IDEA Part B 619
Special education programs for qualified students ages 3-5
Title I
Supplementary reading and math instruction for elementary students (based on poverty)
Title II A: Improving Teacher Quality
Funds for local school systems to use for staff development, ensuring all professionals are highly qualified, and for class size reduction
Rural Low Income Schools (RLIS)
Eligibility for RLIS if 20% or more of the children ages 5-17 are from families with income below the poverty line. The performance goal is that schools make AYP after participating in the program for three years.
Title III: Supplemental LIEP Services
Educate Limited English Proficient Students
Carl Perkins Act Grant
Programs for Career Technical Education
Dropout Report 2012-2013
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. Scott Elliott will present the Dropout Report for 2012-2013. The TCS dropout rate has decreased 48.8% since the 2003-2004 school year. Transylvania County Schools started focused efforts on increasing graduation rates and decreasing dropout rates in 2004-2005. The TCS dropout rate has decreased by 61% since the district’s historical high in the 2007-2008 school year. The summary report is attached. Dr. Elliott will answer any questions you may have.
School Crime and Violence Report 2012-2013
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. Scott Elliott will present the School Crime and Violence Report for 2012-2103. Transylvania County Schools has experienced a 44% decrease in reportable acts per 1000 students over the last three years. The summary report is attached. Dr. Elliot will answer any questions you may have.
Cathey’s Creek Property
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
In 2011, the Board heard a request from members of the Cathey’s Creek community to deed ownership of school system property to their organization. The community has been using the old Cathey’s Creek school building as a community center for a very long time and would like to own the property outright. On March 19, 2012, the Board of Education adopted a resolution declaring the property surplus and offering the property to the Transylvania County Board of Commissioners, who could then give the property to the community. As part of the process, the community group needed to obtain 501(c)(3) status, but that piece was delayed. The resolution, which was effective for 30 days from the date of adoption, has expired.
The community organization has now received its IRS determination letter as a 501(c)(3) entity. Attached is a revised resolution declaring the property surplus and conveying the deed to the county contingent upon conditions. The county may then give the property to the community group. The revised resolution is attached as information. Mr. Barger will discuss the resolution and answer any questions you may have. Approval of the resolution will be requested at the next regular meeting.
FY15 Budget
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Norris Barger will present the recommended budgets for the FY15 request to the Board of Commissioners. The budget documents are attached. Also included is a breakdown of budget codes and program report codes (PRCs) from the Uniform Chart of Accounts.
A motion would be in order to approve the Local Current Expense and the Capital Outlay budget requests for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Superintendent’s Update
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. McDaris will give an update on new and ongoing issues for the 2013-2014 school year.
Timeline for Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Board Policy CBBC, “Evaluation of the Superintendent,” provides for a formal evaluation of the superintendent by the Board of Education each year. The following timeline is presented for the 2013-2014 evaluation:
June 16
Superintendent provides self-evaluation to the Board. Board members receive individual evaluation forms to complete.
Prior to July 21
Board members return evaluation forms to chair or vice chair.
July 21
Board chair and vice chair meet with superintendent to discuss self-evaluation.
July 21
(closed session)
Board members complete consensus evaluation.
August 18
Board chair and vice chair meet with superintendent to share results of consensus evaluation.
Important Dates
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
May 6
NCSBA Video: NC Open Meetings Law
7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
May 6
TCSEF “Taste of Transylvania”
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Lumber Yard
May 7-8
NCSBA School Law Conference
Raleigh, NC
May 9, 10
BHS Musical, “Les Miserables”
7:30 p.m.
BHS Auditorium
May 15
Scholars Recognition Evening
5:30 p.m.
BHS Cafeteria & Auditorium
May 19
6:30 p.m.
May 27
Transportation Banquet
6:00 p.m.
Twin Dragons
May 29
TCAE “Friends of Education” Banquet
6:00 p.m.
Rogow Room
Jun 2
6:30 p.m.
June 4
DRS Graduation
11:00 a.m.
Davidson River School Lawn
June 6
BHS Graduation
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 7
RHS Graduation
10:00 a.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 16
6:30 p.m.
June 23-25
NCSBA Summer Leadership Seminars
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Atlantic Beach
June 26-27
NCSBA Policy Conference
8:00 a.m. - 1 :00 p.m.
Atlantic Beach
Days Missed
1. January 6, 2014 – made up on January 10
2. January 29, 2014 – made up on February 17
3. January 30, 2014 – made up on April 21
4. January 31, 2014 – to be made up on June 2
5. February 11, 2-14 – to be made up on June 3
6. February 12, 2014 – to be made up on June 4
7. February 13, 2014 – absorbed
8. February 14, 2014 – absorbed
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board will provide a second opportunity for public comment.
Other Items
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
An opportunity will be provided for other items from board members or staff.
Groups audience: