Regular Meeting
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Submitted by Migration on Wed, 05/15/2013 - 3:03pm
Monday, April 7, 2014 - 6:30pm
April 7, 2014
Morris Education Center
6:30 p.m.
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Comment
3. Good News Report
4. Former Students in the Military
5. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes
B. Personnel Report
6. Artificial Turf
7. Local Options for NC Final Exams
8. Child Nutrition Procurement Plan
9. FY15 Budget
10. BHS Auditorium Stage Lighting Project
11. Bond Referendum
12. Superintendent’s Update
13. Important Dates
14. Public Comment
15. Other Items
Approval of Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A motion is in order to approve or revise the meeting agenda for April 7, 2014.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
N.C.G.S. § 115C-51 states that local boards of education shall provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the board. A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, in which case the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing specific individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. No solicitations will be allowed during public comment. Sign-up is not required for the second public comment opportunity at the end of the meeting.
Good News Report
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Camp Greenville
Davidson River School recently hosted a day of activities presented by Camp Greenville staff. This incentive program for DRS students began with a session of critical thinking and team building activities. Later, small group activities that emphasize character education skills such as communication, diversity, and collaboration will be held at the school. Finally, students who have met their academic, attendance and behavior goals will participate in the end of the year incentive trip for a day of activities and zip-lining at Camp Greenville. Thanks to Camp Greenville and the Transylvania Youth Association for partnering with DRS.
NC Junior Science & Humanities Symposium
Congratulations to Nicole Miller, Justin Coye, Joe Roberts and Indya Thompson who represented Brevard High School at the North Carolina Junior Science and Humanities Symposium on March 17. Joe Roberts was awarded third place in the poster competition and will represent North Carolina at the national competition in Washington, DC with his project, Screening for VOC Producing Endophytes in an Effort to Target Biofuel Producing Fungi.
Governor’s School
Congratulations to Cody Lupo, Rosman High School, for being selected for the 2014 session of the North Carolina Governor’s School. Cody’s area of study is Natural Science. The five and one-half week program begins June 15 and ends July 23 with a break from July 3-6.
DRS After-School Program
Davidson River School offers after-school tutoring every Tuesday and Thursday for students to earn credits, complete credit recovery or make up time. Data from the first semester shows that 59 students participated in 92 after-school sessions totaling more than 449.5 hours and secured a total of 39 credits. Seventy percent of the students that participated earned at least one credit. Thanks to the dedicated DRS staff who worked with the students after school and the Transportation Department for helping to coordinate bus transportation for the program.
BHS Teacher‘s Article is Published
Brevard High School teacher Meredith Licht's recent article for the Transylvania Times, "Controlled Chaos: Project Based Learning," was picked up by SmartBrief, a news organization that collects top news stories in a variety of industries, and published in three of its daily education briefs. It has also been chosen as an article to be featured in Education Digest, a journal that selects articles from various print and online publications and organizations and publishes in a format that provides teachers and administrators with educational news in a condensed format for quick reading.
NC State Science Competition
Students in Jennifer Williams’ TIME Science program at Brevard High School did very well in the NC State Science Competition:
Abby Williams and Carly Onnink: Olfactometer and GC/MS evidence for (E)-2-Hexenal as a semiochemical in the defensive secretions of the kudzu bug, Megacopta cribraria:
·3rd Place, Advanced Behavioral Science, NC Student Academy of Science
·1st Place, Biological Science A, NC Science and Engineering Fair
·USDA Agricultural Research Service Special Award, NC Science and Engineering Fair
·Bronze Medal, US Army Award, NC Science and Engineering Fair
·Grand Award: All expenses paid trip to represent NC at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Los Angeles, CA
Joe Roberts, Eliza Witherspoon and Lauren Tooley: Screening for VOC producing endophytes in an effort to target biofuel producing fungi:
·3rd Place, Poster Session, NC Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
·Grand Award: All expenses paid trip to represent NC at National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium in Washington, DC
·2nd Place, Advanced Biological Sciences, NC Student Academy of Science
·2nd Place, Biological Science B, NC Science and Engineering Fair
·Grand Award: All expenses paid trip to represent NC at the International Sustainable World (Energy, Engineering, Environment) Project Olympiad in Houston, Texas
Lianne Duscio and Garland Joseph: Antioxidant and anti-tumor effects of the berries from Elaeagnus umbellata and Lindera benzoin:
·1st Place, Biological Sciences, NC Student Academy of Science
·Grand Award: Some expenses paid trip to represent NC at the American Academy for the Advancement of Science Meeting in San Jose, California
Justin Coye: Isolation and identification of endophytes from Chinese chestnut trees and their inhibitory effect on the blight fungus:
·Western NC Representative, NC Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
·2nd Place, Advanced Biotechnology, NC Student Academy of Science
·1st Alternate: All expenses paid trip to represent NC in the BioGENIUS Challange in San Diego, CA
Elizabeth Johnson, Erin Smith and Cameron McCathern: A comparison of the anticancer potential of extracts from Trifolium pratense, Pueraria lobata and Plantago major:
·3rd Place, Chemistry, NC Student Academy of Science
·Bronze Medal, US Army Award, NC Science and Engineering Fair
Emma Moore and Nicole Miller: Medicinal properties of the Cherokee medicinal plants Sanguinaria canadensis and Vaccinium corymbosum:
·Western NC Representative, NC Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
·2nd Place, Biological Sciences, NC Student Academy of Science
Samuel Kicklighter and Damien LaForenza: Development and evaluation of solar collectors constructed from recycled materials:
·3rd place, Engineering and Technology, NC Student Academy of Science
·Western NC Representative, NC Science and Engineering Fair
Benton Tynch, Samuel Farrar and Noah Graham: Evaluation of oils for the production of biodiesel:
·Western NC Representative, NC Student Academy of Science
·Western NC Representative, NC Science and Engineering Fair
Cade Brinkley: Basis for bidirectional transmission of data and energy between inductive coils:
·Western NC Representative, NC Science and Engineering Fair
Indya Thompson: Comparison of Methods Used To Prepare Freshwater Diatoms For Identification Using Optical Microscopy:
·Western NC Representative, NC Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
Masonry Competition
Over Spring Break, fifteen BHS students competed in the Land of Sky Masonry Competition. Congratulations to the following top ten winners in Masonry I:
First Place - Issaic Rogers
Fourth Place - Colby Thompson
Fifth Place - Michael Najera
Tenth Place - Justin Bryant
FBLA Competition
Congratulations to the following BHS students who were top ten winners in the recent FBLA competition:
Andy McCall - Agribusiness
Grace Williams - Business Procedures
John Harris - Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Meredith Barton - Public Speaking I
Former Students in the Military
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board of Education wishes to thank the former students from Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Davidson River School who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. Military. Twice a year, the names on the attached list are read aloud during Board of Education meetings and the list of names is recognized at every meeting. There are no new names on the list. Additional names will be included as they are received.
Consent Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The following items are submitted for consent approval (see attached):
1. Minutes from the March 17, 2014 meeting
2. Personnel report for April 7, 2014
A motion is in order to approve the consent agenda items.
Artificial Turf
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
At the March 17 meeting, the Board reviewed options for the artificial turf project for Brevard High School. The Board has heard from a number of ardent supporters of blue turf; however, it has since been learned that Boise State University will not grant permission for a blue field. Dr. McDaris and Mr. Barger will give an update on the project at this time. A summary of the costs and options is attached.
A motion would be in order to approve the budget for the artificial turf project at Brevard High School.
Local Options for NC Final Exams
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
At the March 3 meeting, Dr. Scott Elliott gave a report on an option that would give local school districts the flexibility to use school-wide growth data to determine Standard 6 ratings for specific types of teachers. Input has been received from the middle and high school teachers who would be affected by the option. Dr. Elliott will present an update at this time.
Child Nutrition Procurement Plan
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Department of Child Nutrition will present a Procurement Plan for Board approval.
The procurement plan is a new governmental requirement that will set forth the method by which the Child Nutrition department solicits bids for food, supplies and services needed for the operation of its child feeding programs; and regulations applicable to the procurement process. The procurement plan and procedures for 2014-2015 are attached. Carolyn Barton, Director of Child Nutrition, will discuss the procurement plan and answer any questions you may have.
A motion is in order to approve the Child Nutrition Procurement Plan for 2014-2015.
FY15 Budget
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Norris Barger will present the latest information and documents for the FY15 budget. The draft documents are attached.
BHS Auditorium Stage Lighting Project
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Pursuant to Board Policy DJ-R, “Purchasing Requirements,” Norris Barger will present a request for approval of a stage lighting project in the BHS auditorium to be paid for solely from Brevard High School individual school funds. The project consists of the following:
- Replacement of the current antiquated stage lighting system with a new and improved system;
- Replacement/repositioning/addition of certain stage curtains; and.
- Replacement of existing stage lighting controls with new and improved controls.
This project has been on the Board’s master plan for several years. With the receipt of a generous $20,000 donation from a former student, Brevard High School proposes to use funds already raised by the drama department plus this donation to complete the project. No appropriated funds will be used for the project. Additional electrical work will be required that will also be funded solely through drama department funds.
Bids have been received from two vendors, one of which was for a project much larger in scope. The two quotations are attached. The Superintendent recommends approval of the project.
A motion would be in order to approve the Brevard High School auditorium stage lighting project.
Bond Referendum / Study
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
At the last meeting, the Board voted to issue Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for a facilities study to get the Transylvania County Schools facilities up to standard for the next 10-15 years and for a possible bond issue in 2015. Mr. Barger will give a status update on the RFP process.
The draft timeline for a possible bond referendum is listed below:
- March 2014 – begin work on identifying bond needs
- September 2014 – review of bond needs; joint meeting
- January 2015 – finalization of projects; joint meeting
- March 2015 – notice of intent for bond issue
- November 2015 – bond referendum
- March 2016 – sell bonds
- April-May 2016 – start project(s)
Superintendent’s Update
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. McDaris will give an update on new and ongoing issues for the 2013-2014 school year.
Important Dates
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Apr. 7
Kindergarten Registration
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Apr. 8
Kindergarten Registration
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Apr. 9
Early Dismissal
Apr. 10 | Education Forum | 6:30 p.m. | Rogow Room |
Apr. 10
Kindergarten Registration
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Apr. 18
Holiday – Good Friday
Apr. 21
Make-up day for Jan. 30
Apr. 21
6:30 p.m.
May 1
TCAEOP Awards Banquet
5:00 p.m.
BMS Media Center
May 5
6:30 p.m.
May 6
NCSBA Video: NC Open Meetings Law
7:00 am – 5:30 pm
May 6
TCSEF “Taste of Transylvania”
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Lumber Yard
May 7-8
NCSBA School Law Conference
Raleigh, NC
May 9, 10
BHS Musical, “Les Miserables”
7:30 p.m.
BHS Auditorium
May 15
Scholars Recognition Evening
5:30 p.m.
BHS Cafeteria & Auditorium
May 19
6:30 p.m.
May 29
TCAE “Friends of Education” Banquet
6:00 p.m.
Rogow Room
Jun 2
6:30 p.m.
June 4
DRS Graduation
11:00 a.m.
Davidson River School Lawn
June 6
BHS Graduation
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 7
RHS Graduation
10:00 a.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 16 |
6:30 p.m.
Days Missed
1. January 6, 2014 – made up on January 10
2. January 29, 2014 – made up on February 17
3. January 30, 2014 – to be made up on April 21
4. January 31, 2014 – to be made up on June 2
5. February 11, 2-14 – to be made up on June 3
6. February 12, 2014 – to be made up on June 4
7. February 13, 2014 – to be determined
8. February 14, 2014 – to be determined
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board will provide a second opportunity for public comment.
Other Items
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
An opportunity will be provided for other items from board members or staff.
Groups audience: