Regular Meeting
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Submitted by Migration on Thu, 12/23/2010 - 9:48pm
Monday, November 15, 2010 - 6:30pm
Location: Morris Education Center, 225 Rosenwald Lane, Brevard
DRAFT Agenda
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Comment
3. Good News Report
4. Former Students in the Military
5. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes
B. Personnel Report
6. Updates on Race to the Top, NC QUEST and DSSF Grant
7. AIG Plan Development
8. Application for Local Board Training Credit
9. Important Dates
10. Other Items
11. Public Comment
Approval of Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A motion is in order to approve or revise the meeting agenda for November 15, 2010.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, at which time the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing any individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law.
Good News Report
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
RES Celebrates “Mr. James” Day
On October 26, Rosman Elementary honored retiring custodian, James Galloway, by celebrating “Mr. James is a Good Cookie” Day. Everyone participated in an assembly where students shared cards, poems, and stories dedicated to their beloved “Mr. James.” Mrs. Raspa presented Mr. James with a U.S. flag encased in a cherry display case and a plaque that will have a place of honor at RES. The flag had been previously presented by Congressman Heath Shuler and had flown over the United States Capital. The day’s festivities concluded with a potluck luncheon. Mr. James plans to continue to volunteer as a tutor, instilling children with a love of reading and the value of a good education.
Healthy Eating
First grade students in Carol Weeks’ class at Rosman Elementary School recently learned about healthful eating from Jessica Nolan of the NC Cooperative Extension Service. Students learned to identify the foods that come from plants and foods that come from animals. On October 19, selected teachers from each elementary school participated in an orientation for “The Farmer Grows a Rainbow” teaching kits. The program addresses nutrition and fitness education along with core curricula. “The Farmer Grows a Rainbow” program was developed by the NC Farm Bureau educational component, Ag in the Classroom, and was made possible by a grant from the USDA. Local Farm Bureau president, Jackie Whitmire, and classroom directors, Louise Lamm and Ellen Gould, presented the kits.
NC Honors Chorus
Four Brevard High School students were recently selected to the North Carolina Honors Chorus. They are Jennie Moser, Nicki Bayne, Katie Smathers, and Lydia Folckomer.
RHS Helps Connor’s HEART
RHS Interact Club, along with RHS cheerleaders and the athletic department at Rosman High, raised money during the week of October 18 for Connor’s HEART. Connor’s HEART was formed in memory of Connor Galloway, son of Dale and Michelle Galloway, who died at age 12 as a result of the “choking game.” Connor’s HEART, which stands for Help Eliminate Adolescent Risk Taking, focuses on educating children and adults about the dangers of high-risk behaviors among young people. At the Rosman vs. Cherokee football game on October 22, the Galloway family accepted a donation of $853 from the Interact club, cheerleaders and athletic department.
BHS Band Takes Honors
On October 2, the Brevard High School Marching Band competed at the Land of the Sky Band Festival at Enka High School. The band placed second in class 4A, and won second place color guard, second place horn line, and third place percussion. The band placed third overall out of 20 bands. On October 16, the BHS band competed in the Chesnee Eagle Classic in Chesnee, SC. Drum Majors Elijah Crite and Kathleen Miller placed first, and the band placed second in class 3A. The color guard and horn line both placed second in their class. The band has its final competition in Atlanta on October 30.
RHS Artwork Online
Rosman High School art teacher, Amy Schoenacher, has teamed up with Artsonia, the world's largest online kids’ art museum, to display artwork by RHS students. All of Artsonia's featured works of art (nearly 10 million and counting) are viewable online, and any teacher or parent can create an online art gallery for their child or school. Artsonia provides several online features, such as fan clubs and personal guestbooks, as ways for families to encourage the creativity and imaginations of their young artists. In addition, family members can purchase keepsakes imprinted with the child's artwork, with Artsonia donating 15 percent of their annual product revenue back to school art programs. To view the RHS gallery, go to
PFES Food Drive
Pisgah Forest Elementary School hosted its annual Food Drive during Red Ribbon Week in October. They surpassed last year's donation of 1,700 pounds by gathering 1,851 pounds of food. School Resource Officer, Mary Smith, initiated the food drive idea as part of the Red Ribbon Week celebration in order to incorporate a day of giving to the community. PFES feels their food donations to the Sharing House come right in time for the upcoming holiday season.
RES Celebrates Veteran’s Day
Second graders at Rosman Elementary School celebrated Veteran’s Day in a very special way. The students took a walking field trip to the Veteran’s Memorial at the Rosman Town Hall. Prior to that, the students had painted rocks in the image of the American flag and learned the lyrics to the Star-Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful. Upon arriving at Town Hall, teachers explained the significance of the three flags flying above the Veteran’s Memorial. Then students placed their rocks along the walkway to the memorial. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and singing of both songs. This was a great learning experience and expression of patriotism to our veterans.
Former Students in the Military
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board of Education would like to recognize former students from Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Davidson River School who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. Military. Additional names will be included on the attached list as they are received. In recognition of Veteran’s Day, the Board will read the list of name aloud.
Consent Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The following items are submitted for consent approval:
1. Minutes from October 18, 2010 (attached)
2. Personnel report for November 15, 2010 (attached)
A motion is in order to approve the consent agenda items.
Updates on Race to the Top, NC QUEST and DSSF
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. Jeff McDaris will report on the status of Race to the Top monies, the NC QUEST grant, and Disadvantaged Student Supplemental Funding (DSSF).
AIG Plan Development
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Cathy Childress, Director of Federal Programs, will update the Board on upcoming revisions to the Transylvania County Schools AIG Plan for 2010-2013. The revised plan will be presented at the December meeting.
Application for Local Board Training Credit
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The North Carolina School Board Association provides an avenue for school board members to comply with N.C.G.S. 115C-50 which requires all members to receive a minimum of 12 clock hours of training annually. Local boards may also apply for credit for training activities that are not sponsored by the state organization. The applications require local board approval.
Motions are in order to approve the following applications for local training credit:
- Chris Whitmire: “Racial Equity Training,” October 11, 2010 (4 hours)
- Sue Fox: “Racial Equity Training,” October 11, 2010 (4 hours)
- Shelia Norman: “Racial Equity Training,” October 11, 2010 (4 hours)
Important Dates
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Nov. 18
Thanksgiving Meal for Students, Staff, and Retirees
School Cafeterias
Nov. 18
Superintendent’s Communication Council
3:45 p.m.
Nov. 19
Student Advisory Council
7:30 a.m.
Nov. 22
Parent Advisory Council
7:30 a.m.
Nov. 24
Teacher Leave Day
Nov. 25-26
Thanksgiving Holidays
Dec. 14
BHS Senior Projects
3:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 16
RHS Senior Projects
2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 20
6:30 p.m.
Dec. 22
Student early dismissal
11:30 a.m.
Dec. 23
Teacher Leave Day
Dec. 24-31
Christmas Break
Jan. 17-18
Teacher Workdays
Jan. 24
6:30 p.m.
Other Items
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
An opportunity will be provided for other items from board members or staff.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, at which time the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing any individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law.
Groups audience: