Regular Meeting
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Submitted by Migration on Thu, 12/23/2010 - 9:48pm
Monday, June 7, 2010 - 6:30pm
Location: Morris Education Center, 225 Rosenwald Lane, Brevard
DRAFT Agenda
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Public Comment
3. Closed Session
4. Good News Report
5. Former Students in the Military
6. Consent Agenda:
A. Minutes
B. Memorial Report
C. Personnel Report
7. Policy:
A. IK-R “Student Accountability for Academic Achievement”
8. Student Handbooks 2010-2011
9. CTE Plan 2010-2011
10. Facilities Update
11. Important Dates
12. Other Items
13. Public Comment
Approval of Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A motion is in order to approve or revise the meeting agenda for June 7, 2010.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, at which time the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing any individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law.
Closed Session
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1), 143-318.11(a)(3), and 115C-319-231, the Board will go into closed session to consult with the board attorney regarding a confidential personnel matter and a legal matter.
A motion is order to go into closed session.
Good News Report
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
RES Sends Shoes to Haiti
Alissa Cook's fifth graders at Rosman Elementary recently conducted a shoe drive for Haiti earthquake victims. The project, "Soles for Souls," was a huge success. Over 500 pairs of shoes were collected from March 30 through April 9. The shoe drive was sponsored by Moosetracks of Brevard, which donated shoes and worked in conjunction with a local charity, Manna Mission, to ship and distribute the shoes in Haiti.
BMS Chorus Competes at Carowinds
On May 7, the Brevard Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Chorus traveled to Carowinds for the 34th Annual Festival of Music. The chorus performed two pieces and was awarded a top rating of superior from all three judges, plus a plaque that will hang in the chorus room. This is the first time that a BMS chorus has participated in the festival. Students worked hard to raise money for the trip. The BMS Chorus is under the direction of Rivers Smith and accompanist Carolyn Smith.
BHS Students Intern at Brian Center
Brevard High School Allied Health Science II students recently completed an internship at the Brian Center of Brevard, an extended-stay nursing care center for seniors with disabilities. The students were commended for their hard work, passion, and dedication during the internship. The Brian Center invited the students and Health Science Teacher, Trina Hendricks, to celebrate National Nursing Home Week with residents and staff of the Brian Center. The highlight of the week is an annual fishing trip to Connestee Falls.
T. C. Henderson Elementary School raised $4500 for the TCH PTO at its annual May Day celebration on May 7. Among the many fun activities were a basketball throw, bounce house, car smash, pie throw, face painting, bingo, silent auction, and a cakewalk. Local musicians Ragged Edge provided live bluegrass. Young adults from the Job Corps helped paint faces and make popcorn as well as serve the amazing barbecue prepared by parents Hope Hollingsworth and Mike Dwyer. Donations from local businesses provided bingo prizes and great auction items such as tickets to Biltmore House, zoos, and rounds of golf. A wonderful time was had by all.
BHS Fine Arts Spring Finale
On May 27 the Brevard High School fine arts department showcased a wealth of student talent at the Spring Finale Celebration of Americana. (Originally scheduled for the Transylvania County Library Amphitheater, heavy rains forced a last minute relocation to BHS.) The celebration included exhibits of student art work, a live sidewalk art show, men’s and women’s chorale ensembles, band performances, and a show choir medley from Grease featuring choreography by student Caroline Carlton. Superintendent Jeff McDaris served as emcee for the evening. Donations were accepted to raise money for the fine arts department.
BMS Bright Knight Awards
Brevard Middle School announced their Spring Bright Knight Awards. Students honored as Bright Knights are selected by teachers and staff for their outstanding performance in the classroom, good behavior, and quality leadership with Brevard Middle School. The following students were named as Bright Knights: Chase Crump, Kelsey Farmer, Forrest Fisher, Nathan Golden, Katelyn Hogsed, Travis Hogsed, Yaaqoa Ivey, Erica Pauer, Waylon Whitmire, Susan Ashmore, Isaac Bingle, Sophie Davis, Maggie Dodson, Yahir Galarza, Morgan Gash, Peaches Holland, Sara Leinster, Russell McGuire, Mary Grace Morrow Johnson, Anna Moser, Logan Bajek, Carli Compton, Matthew Harris, Cameron Jenkins, Malik Jenkins, Isaiah Landreth, Emma McLeod, Justin Merrill, Caleb Owenby, and Tyriq Smith.
PFES Junior Beta Club
The Pisgah Forest Elementary chapter of the National Junior Beta Club inducted 20 new members at a ceremony held on May 13. Guest speaker Kim Elliott spoke about the importance of the seven Cs: commitment, communication, celebration, consideration, creation, consistency, and caring. One final C from Dr. Elliott was congratulations to these students for their outstanding achievement. Fifth grade teachers presented pins to each of the inductees, which was followed by a candle lighting ceremony. New Junior Beta Club members for 2010 are Colton Ballard, Meredith Barton, Rachel Byrd, Nicholas Cabe, Casey Cooper, Jimmy Dang, Tanner Ellenberger, Samuel Evans, Sam Farrar, Lynsy Folckomer, Jessa Goldman, Katelyn McCarson, Bailey Merrill, David Perkins, Logan Roth, Hannah Stansel, Halee Thomas, Kaeli Tinsley, Emily Treadway, and Brianna Whitaker. The Pisgah Forest Beta Club is sponsored by teachers Sherri Owen and Trudy Wetli.
7th Grade Career Day
On May 14, students from Brevard Middle School participated in the Annual 7th Grade Career Day at Blue Ridge Community College. The theme for the event was “Skills for Tomorrow's Work Place." Students spent the day on the BRCC campus learning about different career opportunities and participating in team building exercises.
National Technical Honor Society
Twenty-seven seniors from Rosman and Brevard were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society on May 31 at a ceremony held at St. Philp’s Episcopal Church. Students are nominated for NTHS by Career and Technical Education faculty and evaluated using demanding criteria. Selection for membership is indicative of outstanding performance and skill as well as critical workplace values of honesty, responsibility, initiative, teamwork, productivity, leadership, and citizenship. Inductees are awarded purple and white honors cords to be worn at graduation individually and/or with other cords they may have earned as an indication of their achievement and leadership. Dr. Scott Elliott announced the following National Technical Honor Society members for 2010:
Hannah Davis
Matthew Brown
Athena Demas
Rachael Brown
Joshua Flynn
Dakota Guffey
Joshua Hagedorn
Leanna Hall
Stephanie Holden
Luke Harris
Catie Jackson
Eric Hudson
Kolby Jones
Drew Jamerson
Katelynne Pace
Autumn Lance
Melissa Perry
Zach McCall
Jessica Redmond
Fallon Newell
Liz Selle
Andrea Owen
Chelsie Owen
Nich Singleton
Kendra Thomas
Melissa Thompson
Daniel Wilson
NCCEE Calendar Contest
The North Carolina Council on Economic Education hosted a calendar poster contest this spring for students in grades 2-5. Contestants created artwork that illustrated one of the eight economic concepts (Goods and Services, International Trade, Markets, Economic Resources, Savings, Budgets, Wants and Needs). Abby Warren, 2nd grade student at TCH, was one of the sixteen winners. Her poster was based on Goods and Services. Abby received a $50 prize, a medal, and a copy of the NCCEE calendar. The 2010 calendar poster contest was made possible through a grant from Capital Bank and The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Charlotte Branch.
BHS Decorates Recycling Bins
In an effort to raise awareness and improve the rate of recycling at the school, students from Brevard High School created a number of eye-catching and decorative recycling bins. Earlier this year, the BHS Environmental Club hosted a trash can decorating contest, which drew great participation from clubs and classes. The contest allowed students to take ownership of the recycling bins and has led to a higher rate of recycling around the school. The project was made possible by a grant from the TC Educational Foundation, which covered the cost of the bins.
White Squirrel Festival
The Transylvania County Schools booth at the White Squirrel Festival held in downtown Brevard over the Memorial Day weekend was a big success. The booth received a lot of positive feedback from visitors at the festival. T-shirts from Katrina Ronneburger’s class were a huge hit. The team of girls who raced a soap box car sponsored by Comporium won first place. It was a very exciting and fun weekend, and thanks to everyone who volunteered and made the event possible.
Homeless Assistance Grant
Transylvania County Schools has been awarded a $20,000 mini-grant request to provide assistance/education for homeless students.
RHS “Road Texting” Demonstration
In recent years, road safety has had to play "catch-up" with fast advancing technology. State Troopers and the North Carolina Highway Patrol have been working hard to educate young drivers and adults on the dangers involved with texting while driving. In the split second it takes a driver to look at their phone, road conditions can change. School Resource Officers Greg Stroup and Desiree Abrams, and teacher Julie Queen, helped set up a traffic course at Rosman High School for a texting and driving demonstration. Students took turns driving a golf cart while being asked to text and look at their phone. Not surprisingly, the distracted drivers knocked down traffic cones, hit obstacles, and missed stop signs. The Troopers also related true stories of tragic accidents that could have been prevented had the cell phone been set aside. Afterward, feedback indicated that the students were shocked that so many driving errors had occurred and seemed to have gained a fresh understanding of the risks and tragedies associated with texting while driving.Former Students in the Military
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board of Education would like to recognize former students from Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Davidson River School who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. Military. Two new names, Casey Marcy and Philip Haberle, have been added to the attached list. Additional names will be added as they are received.
Consent Agenda
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The following items are submitted for consent approval:
1. Minutes from May 13, 2010 (attached)
2. Minutes from May 17, 2010 (attached)
3. Minutes from May 20, 2010 (attached)
4. Memorial report for June 7, 2010 (see below)
5. Personnel report for June 7, 2010 (attached)
Memorial Report
The Board of Education memorializes deceased students, employees, and spouse, parents or children of an employee. The memorial is in the form of a donation to the Education Foundation or a book that is placed in the media center of the school most closely associated with the deceased.
The book, My Garden, will be placed in the Rosman Elementary School media center in memory of Kyla Parker. Kyla was a student at RES.
The book, John Phillip Duck, will be placed in the Rosman Elementary School media center in memory of Frank Bridges, father of Debby Masengill. Debby is a teacher at RES.
The book, U.S. Air Force, will be placed in the Rosman Elementary School media center in memory of Jack A. Wells, father of Elaine Goar. Elaine is a teacher at RES.
A motion is in order to approve the consent agenda items.
Policy IK-R
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. Bo Williams presented revised Policy IK-R “Student Accountability for Academic Achievement” for first-read information on May 17 (see attached). No changes have been made. Dr. Williams will review the policy and answer any questions you may have.
If the Board chooses, a motion would be in order to approve Policy IK-R as presented.
Student Handbooks 2010-2011
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Dr. Scott Elliott will present updates to the student handbooks for 2010-2011. Attached are the procedures common to all schools and the individual updates for each school. Dr. Elliott will answer any questions you may have. Approval of the handbooks will be requested at the next regular meeting.
CTE Plan 2010-2011
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
On May 17, Dr. Scott Elliott presented the Career and Technical Education Plan for 2010-2011. A summary is attached. The full plan may be viewed online at Enter username guest and password guest.
A motion is in order to approve the Career and Technical Education Plan for 2010-2011.
Facilities Update
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Norris Barger will present any new updates on school facilities and answer questions from the Board.
Important Dates
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Jun. 11
DRS Graduation
1:00 p.m.
Jun. 11
BHS Graduation
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Music Center
Jun. 12
RHS Graduation
10:00 a.m.
Brevard Music Center
Jun. 15
Last pupil day
Jun. 16-17
Teacher Workdays
Jun. 18-25
Summer School
Jun. 21
Recognition of Retirees
6:30 p.m.
BMS Media Center
Jun. 28
Begin 4-day summer schedule
Jul. 5
Jul. 19
6:30 p.m.
Jul. 19-20
NCSBA School Board 101
Raleigh, NC
Other Items
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
An opportunity will be provided for other items from board members or staff.
Public Comment
Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, at which time the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing any individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law.
Groups audience: