Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Facilities Director Kerry Putman has provided the attached exhibits and final contracts from Superior Mechanical Services for the boiler replacement projects at Brevard Middle School, Pisgah Forest Elementary School, and Rosman High School. The contracts have been reviewed by the board attorney. Mr. Putnam will discuss the contracts and answer questions from the board.
A motion would be in order to approve the contract between the Transylvania County Board of Education and Superior Mechanical Services, Inc., for the Brevard Middle School boiler replacement project in the amount of $205,000.
A motion would be in order to approve the contract between the Transylvania County Board of Education and Superior Mechanical Services, Inc., for the Pisgah Forest Elementary School boiler replacement project in the amount of $118,470.
A motion would be in order to approve the contract between the Transylvania County Board of Education and Superior Mechanical Services, Inc., for the Rosman High School Gym boiler replacement project in the amount of $71,800.