Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
On September 18, the board accepted as first-read information seven policies with minor changes from the NCSBA Spring 2023 PLS (Policies to Lead the Schools) Custom Updates. The revisions are summarized below. The board had no questions at the last meeting. The policies are presented for second-read approval at this time. Dr. Brian Weaver will answer any questions you may have.
- 1610/7800, Professional and Staff Development. References a new state law G.S. 115C-81.57 effective beginning with the 2023-2024 school year that requires local boards to provide professional development to carry out state law provisions regarding education in middle and high schools on the Holocaust and genocide.
- 4155, Assignment to Classes. Updates a legal reference.
- 4334/5035/7345, Use of Unmanned Aircraft (Drones). Updates the legal references.
- 5028/6130/7267, Automated External Defibrillator. Updates the hyperlinks in Other Resources.
- 6410, Organization of the Purchasing Function. Updates a hyperlink in the legal references.
- 7340, Employee Dress and Appearance. Updates the legal references.
- 7650, Employee Travel and Other Expense Reimbursement. Updates a hyperlink in the Other Resources.
A motion is in order to approve the seven policies listed above as presented.