12. NCSBA Legislative Committee

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
The North Carolina School Boards’ Association’s Board of Directors has invited local boards to nominate one member to serve on the 2024 NCSBA Legislative Committee.  The committee develops the NCSBA’s legislative agenda for consideration and adoption by the Delegate Assembly.  The NCSBA president will appoint one at-large member from each of the eight education regions to serve a two-year term.  Nominees must be able to attend all scheduled meetings (two in-person meetings in Raleigh on July 19 and September 13, and one virtual meeting TBD).  An individual should be nominated through a vote of the full board taken in open session.  Nominees must complete the online application by Wednesday, March 22, 2024.  See the attached memo for more information.
If there is an interest in serving, the board may nominate a member to apply for the NCSBA Legislative Committee.
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