12. Setting Agenda for 12/04/23

Primary tabs

Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support

Board members will be asked to set the agenda for the next regular meeting by designating items from tonight’s work session as Information (I), Consent (C), or Action (A). 
  • Information (I) items are just for the board to hear about and be aware of.  Information items may not need to be placed on the next regular meeting agenda. 
  • Consent (C) means that an item needs board approval but does not require further discussion.  It may be placed on the Consent Agenda for one-vote approval.  For an item to go on the Consent Agenda all board members must be in agreement.  If one board member wants the item to be separate for further discussion, it will be a separate agenda item. 
  • Action (A) means that the item should be a separate agenda item for further discussion and voting.
Some or all of the items listed below may be placed on the regular meeting agenda for December 4, 2023.  The board may designate the items as Information (I), Consent (C), or Action (A):
  1. School Improvement Plans 2023-2024 ___________
  1. On-Call Service Contracts _______________
  1. Cathey’s Creek Property Transfer ______________
  1. January Meeting Schedule _______________
  1. FY24 Budget Resolution ________________
  1. Resolution Regarding 3rd Party Activities _____________
  1. Resolution in Support of Israel _______________
Groups audience: