03. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Black History Month
Each year the month of February is celebrated as Black History Month in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.  The 2021 theme, “Black Family:  Representation, Identity, and Diversity” explores the African diaspora and the spread of Black families across the United States.  Classrooms will have activities throughout the month to pay tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society and honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout history.    
National CTE Month
February 2021 is National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month.  CTE prepares students for the workforce by offering a skills-based route to lifelong success.  Consider this:  If someone winds up in the hospital, they will see a doctor for about 10 minutes tops; yet they will be in hourly contact with nurses, technicians, and other specialists who got their start in the CTE classroom.  Auto mechanics, court clerks, systems administrators, IT specialists, and local government employees are all educated through the CTE system.  Many post-secondary institutes recognize that CTE provides the skills students need to start in engineering, mathematics, or technology occupations.  Join us in celebrating the achievements and accomplishments of CTE programs in our district and across the country.
Random Acts of Kindness Month/Day
Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 14-20, 2021, and Random Acts of Kindness Day is Wednesday, February 17.  This month we encourage everyone to “Explore the Good” and “Make Kindness the Norm.”  Scientific evidence shows us the positive effects of doing kind acts for others as well as receiving or even witnessing kindness.  Teaching, modeling, and encouraging kindness in schools and at home is crucial to the social-emotional health of children and adults.  During these times of stress, isolation, and anxiety, even the smallest act of kindness can help change a life. 
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week 2021 was celebrated during the week of February 1-5 with the theme, “School Counselors: All in for All Students.”  It is a time to shine a light on the important and unique contribution of school counselors within our schools.  Counselors help students achieve success, get into college, and plan for a career, but that’s just one side of the coin.  Counselors are also the ones students turn to when they need help.  They advocate for children and help them deal with adversity every day.  Please join us in thanking these dedicated professionals for all they do to improve the lives of students. 
“Love the Bus” / School Bus Driver Appreciation Week
February is “Love the Bus” month nationwide, and February 8-12, 2021 was “School Bus Driver Appreciation Week” in North Carolina.  Attached is a proclamation from Governor Roy Cooper saluting our dedicated school bus drivers for the invaluable contributions they make to public education and student safety every day.
School Nutrition Director to Present at Child Hunger Conference
Transylvania County School Nutrition Director Carolyn Barton has been invited to be a presenter/panelist at the 2021 North Carolina Child Hunger Leaders Conference.  The virtual conference is scheduled for February 17-18 with nearly 1,000 registered attendees.  Her presentation topic will be Meals on the Move: “The Last Mile – Best Practices for Getting Meals to Children.”  The conference will include a cross section of representatives from school nutrition, transportation, administrators, food pantries, and other community partners.  We thank Mrs. Barton for her leadership in combating child hunger. 
Superintendent Selected as NCASCD Board President-Elect 
Dr. Jeff McDaris has been selected as the President-Elect of the North Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (NCASCD) Board of Directors.  The NCASCD is an organization that enlists all categories of education for the improvement of educational opportunities for children.  Congratulations, Dr. McDaris!
NCSPRA “Blue Ribbon” Award Winners
The North Carolina School Public Relations Association recently announced “Blue Ribbon” award winners for excellence in the field known as “School PR.”  Transylvania County Schools earned a Gold Award, 4 Silver Awards, and a Bronze Award in Digital Media Engagement, Electronic Media (Video Production), and Excellence in Writing.  A Gold Award was given for a story about the critical role played by TCS cafeteria staff in offering a lifeline to our community during the pandemic. Congratulations to Community Relations Coordinator Kevin Smith and all staff who collaborate every day to share the good news of Transylvania County Schools!
TCSEF Creative Classroom Grant Winners for 2021-2022
The following projects totaling over $14,000 were recommended for funding for the 2021-2022 school year through the Transylvania County Schools Educational Foundation Creative Classroom Grants.  These competitive grants are part of the funding that the Foundation makes available each year to enrich classrooms, provide scholarships, fund student leadership opportunities, and support teacher leadership initiatives.  We appreciate TCSEF’s work raising money to award these funds, especially during the pandemic, and we thank the Grants Committee which this year evaluated 26 proposals.  Grant winners will have up to 18 months to use the awarded funds.  Congratulations to all and thank you, Educational Foundation.
Laura Smith
Sublime Print and Design;
Matt Tuckey
Hands-ON Science! 
Nicole Moman
The Peace Path Initiative
Noelle Fehn
Introduction to STEM revisited
Jim Leatherwood
Capture the Moment
Bethany Chapman
Play in the RES Media Center
Heather Corn
Manipulating Minds
Jennifer Galloway
Outdoor Adventures for the Tigers
Chris Alley
Taiko Drumming & Technology
Jessica Whitmire
Ice, Ice, Baby!
Hazel Ketchum
Appalachian Music Studies Program
Laura Sullivan
Personal Music Kits for Music Anywhere
Crystal Whitman
Cracking the Reading and Writing Codes with the Brain in Mind!
Breana Murfin
Novel Studies Kids Love
James Markey
Sibelius – The Software that Runs the BMS Chorus
Erica Courtine
Creating a Classroom Library That Students From All Backgrounds Will Love
Katerina Canter
Band Piece Commission
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud:  soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools
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