03. Good News Report

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Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
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Operations and Support
Bain Brown Wins Levine Scholarship
Brevard High School senior Bain Brown has been named one of 20 students entering the Levine Scholars Program as a member of the UNC Charlotte Class of 2023. The four-year scholarship includes full tuition, room, board, a grant to implement a service project designed by each student, and four summers of leadership and cultural experiences. This award is estimated at $105,000 for in-state students, $155,000 for out-of-state students. Congratulations Bain!
Morehead-Cain Scholarship
Brevard High School senior Cullen Duval has been awarded the prestigious Morehead-Cain Scholarship as a member of the UNC Chapel Hill Class of 2023. The scholarship fully funds four years of undergraduate study and summer enrichment experiences.  During four summers, scholars may complete an outdoor leadership course, commit to public service in the United States or abroad, conduct research at sites worldwide, and gain experience in private enterprise. The total award is estimated at $108,000 for in-state students, $208,000 for out-of-state students. Congratulations Cullen!
All-District & All-State Bands
Congratulations to Brevard and Rosman Middle School students who earned seats in All-District Bands, out of hundreds of auditioners in Western North Carolina.  Symphonic Band—Meredith Hart, Jessie Dodson, Ella Leatherwood, Grace Gentle, Val Butler, Brayden Grosvenor, and Trevor Long. Concert Band—Leanne Littleton, Elijah Chapman (Rosman Middle), Matthew Hogsed, Julia Bohn, and Ben Weaver.
From the Symphonic Band, Brevard students Meredith Hart, Jessie Dodson, Ella Leatherwood, Grace Gentle, and Val Butler advanced to All-State Auditions on March 2nd.  And hats off to Ella Leatherwood (clarinet), Meredith Hart (clarinet), and Val Butler (contrabass clarinet) for earning seats in the 2019 North Carolina All-State Band.
Out of 16 counties in Western North Carolina, only five other middle schools are sending students to All-State and only one (Cane Creek) is sending more students than Brevard Middle.  
All-State students will travel to UNC-Chapel Hill from May 3-5 to rehearse with fellow band members and play a concert on Sunday May 5.  Band Directors Donnie Mulligan and Katerina Canter, and private instructor Karen Cole, are extremely proud of all their students’ hard work and accomplishments.
The following Brevard High School students also participated in the All-District Honors Band at Western Carolina University—Clare Kennerly, Frank Parsons, Anna Reed, Charlie Stewart, Elise Poché, Joe Smith, John Nguyen, Rebecca Milligan, and Sara Megown.
Four students qualified for All-State Band on the weekend of May 3-5 in Chapel Hill—Elise Poché (clarinet), Sara Megown (clarinet), Rebecca Milligan (trumpet), and John Nguyen (bass clarinet). Congratulations to these accomplished musicians!
DRS Students Earn Microsoft Certification
Four students—Bailey Rothe, Josh Cole, Ramon Rivas, and Isaac Browning—recently became the first at Davidson River School to earn Microsoft Certifications. They earned credentials in Microsoft Office and PowerPoint, which can help open doors and set them up for success in the workplace. Congratulations!
United Way
At a recent United Way Awards event, Transylvania County Schools was presented with the Gold Award, Highest Number of Donors Award, and Workplace Champions Award for the 2018-2019 campaign year.  Many thanks to the TCS employees whose generous donations to the United Way of Transylvania County help provide much-needed services and assistance to people in our community.
TC Henderson, Girls ROAR Fund Drive
The Girls ROAR club at T.C. Henderson recently completed a short but successful fund drive.  In a week and half, students took their “Change For Good” message to classrooms, created posters, and encouraged friends to spare some change for the United Way. These girls also did extra chores, gave up tooth fairy money, and emptied their piggy banks.  The fourth and fifth-grade club raised $101.71 overall, and they decided to earmark it all for early childhood programs in Transylvania County.  Congratulations to Margaret Campbell, Brodi Cantrell, Kelly Mejia Enriquez, Jennifer Galloway (teacher), Maddie Galloway, Maddie Lance, LeAnna Owen, Zoey Owen, Myranda Searcy, teachers Elizabeth Ballard and Jennifer Galloway, and principal Audrey Reneau.
Kindergarten Registration 2019
Kindergarten registration for the 2019-2020 school year is now open in all our elementary schools.  There will be a Kindergarten Readiness Rally on Thursday, March 21, 2019 from 4-6 p.m. at the Transylvania County Recreation Department.  This is a perfect time for families to meet kindergarten teachers, get information about enrolling, learn about NC Pre-K, and participate in fun, free activities.  All children who will be five (5) years old on or before August 31, 2019 are eligible to start kindergarten this fall.  Visit www.tcsnc.org/kinder for forms and more information.
Governor’s School
Two students from Transylvania County Schools have been invited to attend the 2019 North Carolina Governor’s School.  Madeline Dierauf (BHS) has been selected in the area of social science, and Madeline Hall (BHS) has been selected in the area of visual art.  Students who accept the invitation to Governor’s School will attend a five-and half week session this summer on the campus of either Salem College or Meredith College.  Congratulations to Madeline and Madeline!
Digital Content Ambassadors
Vera Cubero and Cathy Zandecki have been selected to serve as Digital Content Ambassadors at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Digital Teaching & Learning event in Greensboro on March 20-21, 2019.  There were over 170 applications for the ambassadorships and only 26 applicants were chosen.  Selection was based on a demonstrated understanding of effective digital content use, related challenges, and potential solutions as well as leadership in digital teaching and learning.  Vera and Cathy will be paid for their services by DPI and have a great experience helping NC educators.
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
SoundCloud:  soundcloud.com/transylvaniacountyschools
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