09. Bond Update

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
An initiative will be on the local ballot on November 6, 2018 for $68 million in general obligation bonds to pay for capital improvements at Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Rosman Middle School.  On September 10, the board reviewed conceptual options for construction and renovations at both sites.  On September 24 and October 1, the board heard community feedback on the options at meetings held at Brevard High School and Rosman High School. 
In September, the board had submitted applications for Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund grants for BHS and RHS-RMS.  The NC General Assembly has provided these funds to assist qualifying counties with their critical public school building capital needs.  The Brevard High School campus request was $10,000,000 with a projected match of $12,095,967.  The Rosman High School-Rosman Middle School campus request was $9,256,829 with the equivalent projected match.  A few days ago we received word from the State Superintendent’s office that although our application was strong, there were other counties with more critical, immediate needs that received the awards for 2018-2019.  Nineteen counties submitted applications for projects in excess of $245.7 million, illustrating the needs statewide.  We were encouraged to resubmit an application next year, when additional funding may be available for award. 
Everyone is encouraged to visit http://www.tcsnc.org/bond for more details and information about the bond and the proposed school construction/renovation projects. 
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