03. Good News Report

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Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Burlingame Donation to TCH
Ms. Linda Crowther and representatives from Burlingame Country Club in Sapphire will be here to present a check for $25,000 to T. C. Henderson School of Science and Technology.  Principal Audrey Reneau will be present to accept the check.  This is the second year in a row that Burlingame has raised $25,000 for the STEM program at TCH.  Our sincere thanks to the members of Burlingame for their generosity and support. 
Summer Feeding 2017
Director Carolyn Barton reports that the Transylvania County School Nutrition Department served 26,205 meals to students during the summer of 2017.  This was 3600 more meals than last summer.  The Lunch on the Bus program served 3733 meals in 2017, up from nearly 2000 meals in 2016.  Lunch on the Bus helps to reach children who stay at home during the summer break, do not have access to day-long programming, yet still need access to summer meals.  The Backpack Buddies program served 220 children this summer.  There were three delivery dates that included four or more food packs as well as fresh apples and potatoes.  Backpack Buddies is hoping to provide more deliveries of fresh foods during the 2017-2018 school year.  We thank the school nutrition staff and community volunteers who contribute so much to the success of these vital programs. 
Bethel ‘A’ Hosts Film on Rosenwald Schools
On Sunday, August 27, filmmaker Claudia Stack and educators Betty Thompson and Dr. Richard Newkirk gave a presentation of their film, “Under the Kudzu,” at Bethel ‘A' Baptist Church in Brevard.  The film, which highlights the historic Canetuck Rosenwald School, prefaced a discussion about the legacy of the Brevard Rosenwald School and the history of educational opportunity for African-Americans in Transylvania County.  On Monday, August 28, the team of educators visited Brevard High School to show a documentary about Canetuck and offered guided discussion to hundreds of students in history classes about equity issues in education.  The program was made possible by Brevard High School in conjunction with the Cornelius Hunt Leadership Fund of the TCS Educational Foundation.  Many thanks to everyone involved in bringing focus to this important piece of history in our community. 
Teachers Attend Holocaust Education Classes
Four local teachers, among hundreds from around the country, are bringing back lessons learned from a Holocaust education conference this summer held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  They hope those lessons will engage and promote understanding of Holocaust history in their classrooms, adding an extra dimension to their students’ studies this coming school year.  Transylvania County teachers who participated in the conference were Stacie Dotson, Beverly Marshall, and Andrea Odom, all of Rosman High School, and Kelly Muse of Brevard Middle School.

BES Community Playground Build
The Brevard Elementary School OPT (Organization of Parents and Teachers) raised $33,000 over the past two years toward a new playground, and Transylvania County Schools was able to put in an additional $27,000 to complete the project.  The school worked very closely with Barr's Recreation on the style and design of the playground.  According to school principal April Gaydosh, it was important that the school have not only slides and platforms, but also places where students could climb and balance.  The playground construction was led by Jacob Dinkins and Bracken Mountain Builders.  With the help of a strong core group of volunteers—students, staff, families, and community members at large—they were able to complete the three-day project in just two days.
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