03. Good News Report
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Submitted by jenny_hunter on Fri, 03/17/2017 - 11:19am
Good News Report
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Skills USA Competition
Congratulations to automotive students at Blue Ridge Community College, Transylvania County campus. Four automotive students competed in the recent “Skills USA” Regional Competition and were awarded $10,000 in combined scholarships. Eight different counties and 23 students competed. William Partin, RHS, took 1st place; Colton Holbrook, RHS, took 2nd place; and Christian Larkin, DRS, took 3rd place. These three students will represent Blue Ridge Community College at the state competition in April.
REJECT Screening
Davidson River School’s Project Rebound program and Brevard College’s Teacher Education program have partnered to co-host a community screening of the documentary film, REJECT, on April 4. The goal in bringing REJECT to Transylvania County is to increase awareness of the consequences of interpersonal rejection and promote discussion of solutions the community can develop to foster acceptance, tolerance, and inclusion of all students.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for next year is just around the corner on April 11-13 at each of our four elementary schools. The Kindergarten Readiness Rally on April 6 is the perfect way for every family to get what they need to prepare for “big school” this fall. All children turning 5 on or before August 31, 2017 will be looking to start kindergarten. Visit tcsnc.org/kinder for forms and details.
NC Teacher of the Year
The 2017 North Carolina Teacher of the Year, Bobbie Cavner, will speak at Brevard College on Tuesday, March 21, to address the importance of experiential teaching and learning in the 21st century. Cavnar teaches Advanced Placement Literature and chairs the English Department at South Point High School in Gaston County. His platform includes public education as a civic good, public education and the promise of equal opportunity, the need to re-professionalize the occupation of education, recruitment and retention of teachers, the role of humanities in public schools, measuring growth in English, the negative outcomes of standardization in education, and the re-segregating effects of the “school choice” movement. The free event begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Porter Center and is open to the public.
MCJROTC Opens WNC Military History Exhibit
Cadets from Brevard and Rosman High Schools Marine Corps JROTC assisted with a Color Guard to help launch an exhibit of the WNC Military History Museum at the Transylvania Heritage Museum. Cadets joined veterans and citizens, led by collector and curator Emmett Casciato, to open the “Wars of the 20th Century” display at the museum on March 4. They were featured on WLOS TV channel 13. The ten-week exhibit runs through May 13.
RHS FFA Ready for Harvest
Heather McNeely’s FFA students are preparing for the first lettuce harvest of 2017 from the Rosman High School greenhouse. Other items include spinach, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and Swiss chard. Annuals and perennials, as well as herbs and vegetable starts, are also available. To order, email hmcneely@tcsnc.org or visit the Rosman FFA Chapter on Facebook. You may also visit their booth at the Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings from the end of April through June or until they sell out.
BHS Shooting Team
Brevard High School had a very good day at the recent district shooting competition, hosted at the Polk County Gun Club in Columbus. With over 150 competitors involved, the Blue Devils took 8th place overall and 2nd place in team shotgun. Top individual finishers were Cameron Wilson and Samuel Kicklighter at 2nd and 3rd in shotgun (each with a perfect score of 200), and Cody Brown at 5th in archery (also with a perfect 200 score). Congratulations to Coach Thad Sanders and these students learning gun safety and marksmanship.
PFE Sculpture Garden Features Four Local Artists
Thanks to the Pisgah Forest Elementary School Improvement Team in partnership with Brevard College, four new sculptures have been installed on the front lawn of the school. The sculptures are the work of Professor Kyle Van Lusk, Mark Connelley, Brian Glaze, and Brevard native Aaron Alderman. New pieces will be rotated in periodically to keep the sculpture garden engaging and interesting for students, staff, and the community. Congratulations to PFES for this great new addition to their campus.
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
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