03. Good News Report

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Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Burlingame Country Club Donates to TCH
The Burlingame Country Club in Sapphire recently held a fundraiser event (designer purse auction) to raise money in support of the new STEM curriculum at T. C. Henderson School of Science and Technology.  Linda Crowther from Burlingame will be here to present a check to TCH Principal Cathy Credle.  
Brevard “Bees” Give School Bright New Look
This past spring, the Brevard Elementary School Organization of Parents and Teachers (OPT) together with school staff kicked off a facelift for the school building and grounds.  Teacher Kyle Malmin initiated an art contest in which students were invited to build a birdhouse using Mr. Malmin’s design guidelines.  Over 60 birdhouses were entered, and the winners were displayed throughout the BES campus.  Next, updated logos for the school mascot, the bee, began showing up all over the school.  Walking mascot BeeZ (“bee zee”) appeared at various spots around school and town, from literacy events to summertime street festivals.  Principal April Gaydosh sought out local craftsman Jason Bowman at OGRE to create a new sign at the school entrance.  BES alumnus Cody Macfie at Steep Creek Stoneworks offered his services to wrap the faded brick with stone.  John Wayne Hardison at High Country Tree Service, a school parent, assisted with landscaping.  Another parent, Perry “the Pretty Painter” Houghton, created a plan to refresh and expand the mural adorning the brick wall at the school entrance.  On August 13, a large group of parents, volunteers, and staff members worked all day painting the mural and touching up the front playground.  You may keep up with more campus beautification updates throughout the 2016-2017 school year by following the Brevard Bees on Facebook at facebook.com/brevardbees, and on Instagram or Twitter at @brevardbees. 
Summer Feeding Program
The Transylvania County School Nutrition Department served 22,600 meals to students during summer vacation 2016.  Director Carolyn Barton reports that this number is a little lower than usual because the Rosman pool opened later this year and the Franklin Pool closed a couple of weeks early.  The “Lunch on the Bus” program was expanded to serve students who mostly stay home in the summer and do not attend organized programming.  This service was run primarily in multi-family housing areas such as apartment complexes and mobile home parks in both Rosman and Brevard.  Lunch on the Bus served approximately 25-30 meals per day in the Brevard area and 30-40 meals per day in Rosman.  The Backpack Buddies program served 261 children per drop, for three actual drops that included 4 packs per drop.  Mrs. Barton is requesting some special grants and/or pilot programs via NCDPI and USDA to help with feeding expansion in Appalachia, and hopes to talk with federal legislators in this regard as well.
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
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Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
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