1 AIG Standard 1- TCS Plan.pdf | 180.14 KB |
2 AIG Standard 2 -TCS Plan.pdf | 296.52 KB |
3 AIG Standard 3- TCS Plan.pdf | 246.27 KB |
4 AIG Standard 4- TCS Plan.pdf | 300.48 KB |
5 AIG Standard 5- TCS Plan.pdf | 260.42 KB |
6 AIG Standard 6- TCS Plan.pdf | 254.91 KB |
Contents-list of Appendix items for AIG Plan 2016-2019 - Google Docs.pdf | 133.84 KB |
Decision for Non-Identification - Google Docs.pdf | 137.87 KB |
DEP 6-8 Differentiated Education Plan - Google Docs.pdf | 73.88 KB |
DEP 9-12 -Trajectory- template Google Docs.pdf | 191.15 KB |
DEP K-5 Differentiated Education Plan - Google Docs.pdf | 156.25 KB |
DRAFT TCS Identification Pathways 2016-2019 - Google Docs.pdf | 249.61 KB |
Invitation to Conference - Google Docs.pdf | 111.62 KB |
Knowledge and Skill Standards in Gifted Education for All Teachers - National Association for Gifted Children.pdf | 167.11 KB |
LEA Transfer Parent Notification - Permission to Test - Google Docs.pdf | 142.83 KB |
Minutes of Meetings to Resolve Disagreements - Google Docs.pdf | 164.49 KB |
NAGC PreK-12 standards booklet.pdf | 1.75 MB |
Parent Notification - Permission to Test - Google Docs.pdf | 138.68 KB |
TAG Roles and Responsibilities - Google Docs.pdf | 151.98 KB |
Withdrawal - Google Docs.pdf | 131.07 KB |