03. Good News Report

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Date Adopted: 
Friday, March 18, 2016
Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
   Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
2016 Governor’s School
Two students from Brevard High School have been selected for the 2016 North Carolina Governor’s School.  Lauren N. DuBreuil has been accepted in the area of Natural Science, and Samuel C. Farrar has been selected in the area of Social Science.  Congratulations!
Beginning Teacher Program Audit
An evaluation of the Transylvania County Schools Beginning Teacher (BT) program was recently conducted.  Our system received “Accomplished” or “Distinguished” on every standard.  Notable commendations included mentor pay, putting mentors in leaderships roles, action research projects (BT 3’s), and advanced degree payments (half tuition).  The only recommendation for improvement was to find more ways to investigate the impact of the program (i.e., exit interviews with BT 3’s).  Congratulations to Carrie Norris, Beginning Teacher Coordinator. 
Morehead Scholarship Winner
Carly Onnink, Brevard High School, has been awarded a Morehead-Cain Scholarship from UNC-Chapel Hill.  This prestigious scholarship covers all expenses for four years of undergraduate study at UNC-CH.  In addition, it features a distinctive program of summer enrichment experiences.  During the course of four summers, scholars will have opportunities to complete outdoor leadership courses, perform public service in the U.S. or abroad, conduct research at sites around the world, and gain experience in private enterprise.  Selection criteria for the Morehead-Cain are leadership, academic achievement, moral force of character, and physical vigor.  Morehead-Cain recipients are chosen solely on the basis of merit and accomplishment.  Congratulations to Carly!
Music in Our Schools Month
The National Association for Music Education celebrates March as “Music in Our Schools Month” nationwide.  A resolution is attached endorsing the observance of Music in Our Schools Month and supporting music education in Transylvania County Schools. 
A motion is in order to approve the resolution. 
Battle of the Books
All four elementary schools competed in the district Battle of the Books competition on March 15.  All of the teams did a great job!  T. C. Henderson was the first place winner and will progress to the regional competition in Asheville on April 22.  In the middle school district competition held on March 2, the Brevard Middle School team took first place.  They will compete at the regional competition in Murphy on April 19. 
BHS Blood Drive
At the recent Red Cross blood drive held at Brevard High School, 63 donors participated for a total collection of 57 units.  Twenty people were first time donors.  Sponsor Tammy Moman reports that the Red Cross was very complimentary of our student body and the facility.  Thanks to all of our donors.  
For more good news from Transylvania County Schools, please visit us at:
Home Page:  www.tcsnc.org ǀ Facebook:  facebook.com/transylvaniaschools
Twitter:  twitter.com/transylvaniasch ǀ Flickr:  flickr.com/tcsnc
Instagram:  Instagram.com/transylvaniaschools ǀ YouTube:  youtube.com/tcsnc
Smartphone App:  Transylvania County Schools on Play Store and iTunes
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