Regular Meeting

Primary tabs

Monday, April 15, 2013 - 6:30pm


April 15, 2013
Morris Education Center
6:30 p.m.
1.               Approval of Agenda
2.               Public Comment
3.               Good News Report
4.               Former Students in the Military
5.               Consent Agenda:
A.    Minutes
B.    Personnel Report
6.               FY14 Budget
7.               Central Office Summer Schedule
8.               Important Dates
9.               Public Comment
10.           Other Items
Approval of Agenda

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
A motion is in order to approve or revise the meeting agenda for April 15, 2013.
Public Comment

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
N.C.G.S. § 115C-51 states that local boards of education shall provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the board. A sign-up sheet is available for public comment. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allotted for public comment at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Speakers will be asked to limit their comments to 5 minutes each, except in the event there are more than six speakers per session, at which time the chairman may limit the time allotted to 3-5 minutes per speaker. Speakers will be asked to refrain from discussing specific individuals by name in accordance with the North Carolina Open Meetings Law. No solicitations will be allowed during public comment.  A second opportunity for public comment will be provided at the end of the meeting.  Sign-up is not required for the second public comment opportunity. 
Good News Report

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
Student Art Exhibit
The 2013 Transylvania County Schools Student Art Show will be held April 15 through May 3, 2013 at the Transylvania County Arts Council building, located at 349 S. Caldwell Street. There will be a reception for the artists from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. on April 18. A second reception will be held on April 26 from 5-9 p.m. as a part of the Brevard Gallery Walk. 
DRS Teacher Presents Symposium
In February, DRS middle school teacher, Marilyn Edie, along with a colleague from the 2012 Turkish Cultural Foundation Teacher Study Tour, presented a symposium at the NC Council for Social Studies Conference in Greensboro. The symposium, titled “Turkey: Crossroad of Empires,” focused on Turkey from Neolithic times through the Greek and Hellenistic periods and Byzantine and Ottoman Empires to the present day, and the correlation with Essential Standards in the areas of civilizations, politics, economy, geography, culture, government, human interaction and religion. 
DRS Taiko
The Davidson River School Taiko Drum Corps recently performed for students at the Pisgah Forest Rotary Club’s 5th Grade Career Expo at Brevard College. The DRS Taiko group, one of the only high school drum teams of its kind, is taught by DRS graduate Josh Schneider and sponsored by the TC Arts Council. Taiko is Japanese for “big drum.” In addition to performing, the Taiko group discussed the history of Japanese drumming as well as the discipline it takes to be successful. 
The DRS Taiko group would like to thank BHS student Andrew Banks and the members of Boy Scout Troop 701. For his Eagle Scout project, Andrew arranged for and helped build new performance risers for the Taiko drum team. Materials and supplies were obtained in partnership with Lowe’s of Brevard, and labor was provided by the Scouts.
DRS Classroom Library
Recognizing that many students do not actually own books for leisure reading, Jessica Levesque several years ago began a “Classroom Library” at Davidson River School in which students could take home the book of their choice from a selection of books purchased for her classroom. Now retired, Mrs. Levesque partners with DRS teachers Arami Bolick and John Moore to obtain donated books from the Transylvania County Library that will be used at DRS and later distributed to students who wish to keep them. In the future, the school plans to have a book study of selections by a local author, and hopefully a visit by the author as well. 
BHS Shooting Team Takes Honors
The Brevard High School Shooting Team placed second overall in the Western Regional Shooting Tournament that was held at the Polk County Gun Club on March 16. Fourteen high schools and ten middle schools participated in the tournament, with high schools competing for the top 2-3 positions in order to advance to state. In the shotgun competition, BHS students Gus McCall and James McJunkin took two of the top three spots, finishing first and second respectively out of a field of 60 marksmen. Brevard also took first place in the team shotgun event and second place in team orienteering. Their next stop is the state competition that will be held on April 27 in Ellerbee, NC.
NC Stage Company at RES
Rosman Elementary School fourth graders recently entertained students, faculty and parents with the play, “The History of Biltmore.” For the past three years, the North Carolina Stage Company has awarded a grant to Rosman Elementary. The grant allows resident actor Chris Allison to come and spend two weeks preparing the cast for their performance.   
BES 3rd Grade at Silvermont
Third grade students from Brevard Elementary School recently toured the Second Floor House Museum at the Silvermont mansion. Museum staff dressed up in 1920’s period costume to teach students about the life and times of early 20th century industrialist, Joseph Silversteen, and his family. Mr. Silversteen immigrated to Transylvania County from Russia when he was eight years old. Speaking little English, he studied, worked and eventually apprenticed himself to learn the tanning business. With the availability of good clear water, transportation for hides, and chestnut trees for tanning extract, Joseph located his first tannery in Rosman. In later years he added a lumber company, other tanneries and an extract company. He also ran a company store for his employees. Mr. Silversteen gave generously to Transylvania County, and his influence can still be seen in such local landmarks as the Silversteen Park in Brevard, Silversteen Community Center in Lake Toxaway, Silversteen Memorial Stadium in Rosman, and of course the Silvermont mansion, which was left to the County by the last remaining Silversteen daughter, Dorothy S. Bjerg.
BMS 7th Graders Get Lesson in World Cultures
The entire seventh grade class at Brevard Middle School took a day-long field trip to Asheville on March 13 to learn more about world religions and cultures. The trip, a supplement to the Common Core Social Studies unit on world religions, brought the students to four sites of religious and cultural importance: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, First Baptist Church of Asheville, Beth Israel Synagogue, and the Urban Dharma Buddhist Center. There the students heard presentations about Greek Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Judaism and Buddhism. Students reported that they enjoyed having a chance to experience things they would not normally see in places they would not normally visit. For example, the Greek Orthodox presenter lit incense and swung a censor for students to see and smell, and members of the Buddhist Center demonstrated chanting and meditation. Students were treated to a performance on the impressive pipe organ at the First Baptist Church, and the synagogue present read Hebrew aloud to demonstrate the musicality and intonation of the spoken language. Students also were shown various religious artifacts, including Greek icons, a Buddhist prayer wheel, the Christian cross, and scrolls of the Torah. BMS faculty and staff are grateful to the Transylvania County Educational Foundation for providing funding for this educational trip.     
BMS Blue Devil Star Awards
The following students were recently named as 2013 Brevard Middle School Blue Devil Stars:

6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Mary Grace Aubrey
Crista Cali
Elizabeth Bell
Maya Borhaug
Nick Fields
Will Field
Cody Brumley
Julius Hinkle
Tyler Hutchins
Haiden Cagle
Jonathon Honeycutt
Taylor Jamison
Alex Eberhardt
Jessica Jimenez
Cameron Jensen
William Elliott-Heagler
Sam Lemel (2)
Ashlea Milligan
Megan McKinney
Justin Norris
Katelyn McCarson
Courtney Meyer
Eve Reid
Ashley Ramer
Daniel Quaide
Zach White
Ty Whitesides
Jami Stewart
Cody Swangim
Geanna Valadez
RHS Senior Trip
Members of the Rosman High School class of 2013 took their senior trip in March, visiting Washington, DC and New York City. Among their many stops were museums, historical monuments, the White House, and of course the annual group photo in front of the Capitol building (for the first time in snow!). This year, students had a special connection to one of the landmarks.  Senior Baylee Bagwell’s uncle, SSG Charlie Bagwell, is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. SSG Bagwell was killed in the war in Afghanistan in 2007. Baylee placed flowers at the gravesite in loving memory of her Uncle Charlie. 
All-State Band
Brevard High School senior, Jasmine McMillan, was named 7th chair trombonist in the North Carolina All-State Band.   Brevard MIddle School student, Tyler Hutchins, eighth grader at Brevard Middle School, eaned 10th chair trumpet in the All-State Band.  All-State is the highest honor a band student can achieve.  Congratulations to these two students for their outstanding achievements.  Tyler and Jasmine will travel to UNC-Greensboro in May to perform in the All-State Band concert. 
BES Gets Poetic Justice
Dan Dutterer of Poetic Justice recently visited Brevard Elementary School and gave two performances using BES students and teachers to bring poetry alive. Mr. Dutterer also conducted mini-poetry workshops with third and fourth grades. The fourth graders composed and recorded their original poems into handmade journals that they created in art class. Poetic Justice is funded through a generous grant from the TC Arts Council and the BES PTO. 
PFES Raises Money for American Heart Association
Each year Pisgah Forest Elementary School hosts a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. This year’s fundraiser raised $9,048.33. Leading the way were students Scotty McNiel and Colton Hargus, each of whom raised $300. Over the past three years, PFES has raised nearly $27,000 for the American Heart Association. Thanks go to Ms. Garvey and Mrs. McCall for their leadership and to Pisgah Forest parents and the community for their support. 
BMS Shows Support
Brevard Middle School recently held a fundraiser for Ashley Shaw, a student who is fighting bone cancer. Their “Shots 4 Shaw” event brought in over $8,200 in one night to help with Ashley’s medical bills. Thanks to the BMS community for coming together in this tremendous show of support. 
Taste of Transylvania Coming May 7
The annual “Taste of Transylvania” fundraiser for the Transylvania County Schools Educational Foundation (TCSEF) will be held on Tuesday, May 7, from 6-9 p.m. at the Brevard Lumberyard. First Citizens Bank returns as lead sponsor for the event, with supporting sponsors Comporium, Gaia Herbs, Broad Street Wines, Oskar Blues, WSQL, Susan Breedlove Properties, and 4-Rent. Fifteen of the community’s finest restaurants will provide “tastes” of their best dishes, and attendees will be asked to vote on the best appetizer, entrée, dessert, and best food overall. In addition to the delicious food, there will be a silent auction, and the agricultural programs from BHS and RHS will have floral and garden items for sale just in time for Mother’s Day. The money raised by this event is used to fund mini-grants that the TCSEF awards each year to public school teachers who have developed proposals for innovative educational enrichment programs. Since 2008, the Foundation has provided more than $48,000 in mini-grants to our teachers. Tickets for the event are $40 for adults and $20 for students. TCS employees may purchase tickets for a discounted price of $25 (limit two per person). Tickets may be purchased at Highland Books, the Proper Pot, and Bear Tracks Travel Center. For more information or to purchase employee tickets, contact Jessica Merrill at or 884—6173. 
HOSA State Leadership Conference
Rosman High and Brevard High HOSA students attended the HOSA State Leadership Conference on April 10-13, 2013.  All of the participants competed in one or more competitive events and attended education seminars and a college fair where they networked with college representatives for enrollment in the future. Students had a great time developing leadership skills as well as soft skills for success in the workplace.  One BHS student attended a conference at Wake Forest University where she learned the latest in Wake’s research into regenerative medicine. Students from BHS who attended the conference were Andrew Banks, Lauren McGee, and Rebekah Pedersen.  Attendees from RHS were Jenah McCall, Selina Hoxit, Hunter Reese, Julie Crain, Samantha Thielke, and Candace Petit.  Tammy Moman and Trina Hendricks are the HOSA advisors.   
NC Teacher of the Year Visits RES
On March 28, the North Carolina Teacher of the Year, Darcy Grimes, visited Rosman Elementary School. Ms. Grimes is a third grade teacher from Bethel Elementary School in Watauga County School District. Students at RES were thrilled to have the opportunity to meet Ms. Grimes and share with her the wonderful things going on in their classrooms.

RHS Welding Class
Aaron Whitmire’s CTE class at Rosman High School presented Officer Greg Stroup with his new trailer this week. The students have spent about half of the semester learning how to cut, weld, prime, paint and wire the trailer in a project designed to teach students a hands-on welding project from beginning to end. Officer Stroup provided much of the materials for the project including the trailer axle. 

For more good news, please visit us at and on FACEBOOK.
Former Students in the Military

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board of Education would like to recognize former students from Brevard High School, Rosman High School, and Davidson River School who are currently serving or have previously served in the U.S. Military (see attached list). The list is read aloud twice a year. Additional names will be included as they are received. 
Consent Agenda

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The following items are submitted for consent approval (see attached):
1.               Minutes from the March 5, 2013 joint meeting
2.               Minutes from the March 18, 2013 meeting
3.               Personnel report for April 15, 2013
A motion is in order to approve the consent agenda items. 
FY14 Budget

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board will discuss the FY14 budget. Norris Barger will present the latest budget information and documents and answer any questions you may have. 
Central Office Summer Schedule

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The 2013 summer schedule for the central office and other administrative offices is presented for the Board’s information (see attached):  
1.               Four-day weeks (consisting of four ten-hour days) will begin on Monday, June 3, 2013 and run through Friday, August 9, 2013.
2.               Office hours will be 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Offices will be closed on Fridays.
3.               Offices will also be closed on Thursday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day holiday.  
The regular five-day schedule will resume on Monday, August 12, 2013. 
Important Dates

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support

Apr. 15 -May 3
TCS Student Art Show
TC Arts Council
Apr. 24
Early Dismissal
Apr. 25
Kindergarten Registration
4:00 - 5:30 pm
May 6
6:30 p.m.
May 7
“Taste of Transylvania”
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Lumberyard
May 8
Celebration of 50th Anniversary of TCS Integration
May 9
Transportation Banquet
6:00 p.m.
Twin Dragons
May 9
TCAE “Friends of Education” Banquet
6:30 p.m.
Rogow Room
May 14
BHS and RHS Senior Project Presentations
3:00 - 6:00 pm
May 14
Joint Meeting w/ Board of Commissioners
7:00 p.m.
Rogow Room
May 16
TC Scholars Recognition Evening
7:00 p.m.
May 20
6:30 p.m.
May 21
DRS Senior Project Presentations
3:30 – 5:30 pm
May 28
Early Dismissal
May 28
DRS Graduation
11:00 a.m.
DRS Lawn
May 29 – June 4
Teacher Workdays
May 31
BHS Graduation
6:00 p.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 1
RHS Graduation
10:00 a.m.
Brevard Music Center
June 3
6:30 p.m.
June 17
6:30 p.m.
Public Comment

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
The Board will provide a second opportunity for public comment. 
Other Items

Strategic Priority:
Reason for Consideration:
Globally Competitive Students
21st Century Professionals
Healthy and Responsible Students
Leadership to Guide Innovation
Governance and Support
An opportunity will be provided for other items from board members or staff. 
Groups audience: