Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
At the May 20 and June 3 meetings, the board reviewed 18 policies from the NCSBA Fall 2023 PLS (Policies to Lead the Schools) Custom Updates and an update to policy 2310, Public Participation at Board Meetings, that was recommended by the school board attorneys. At the last meeting, Mr. Wiener expressed concerns regarding recommended revisions to several of the policies. He also proposed new revisions to some of the policies. Those policies are under review and will be brought back at the July 22 meeting.
Ten policies are being presented for second-read approval at this time. Eight of the policies have no new changes. Two policies (2310 and 7100) have minor edits as discussed at the last meeting. New changes are shown in green. Dr. Brian Weaver will review and answer any questions you may have.
A motion would be in order to approve the 10 policies listed below as presented.
- 2310, Public Participation at Board Meetings. Updated to strengthen and enhance the rules regarding personal attacks on staff and the legal extent and scope of complaints that may be made during public comment. (see lines 57 and 63 for new changes)
- 4110, Immunization and Health Requirements for School Admission. Removes reference to the Governor’s Commission on Early Childhood Vision Care, which no longer exists.
- 4130, Discretionary Admission. Includes substantive changes throughout. Updates legal references.
- 5210, Distribution and Display of Non-School Material. Adds language based on new statutory provisions regarding the display of farm signs on state highway rights-of-way.
- 6220, Operation of School Nutrition Services. Adds a provision based on a new statutory requirement that prohibits the use of administrative penalties on a student for unpaid meal charges. Updates legal references.
- 6401/9100, Ethics and the Purchasing Function. Adds new statutory requirement that employees who are involved in making or administering contracts receive conflicts of interest training. Updates legal references.
- 7100, Recruitment and Selection of Personnel. Clarifies the age discrimination standard. Updates a timeframe in Section D regarding criminal history checks of child care providers to comply with statutory changes. Eliminates unnecessary language in Section D. Updates legal references. (see line 8 for new change)
- 7130, Licensure. Adds new subsection B.6 to address new licensure requirements for service members and their spouses relocating to North Carolina. Other minor editorial changes. Updates legal references.
- 7520, Family and Medical Leave. Adds reference to paid parental leave in Section M.
- 7730, Employee Conflict of Interest. Adds new section to include the new statutory requirement that employees who are involved in making or administering contracts receive conflicts of interest training. Updates legal references.