Strategic Priority
Reason for Consideration
Graduates Prepared for Work, Higher Education and Citizenship
Excellent Educators
Healthy, Safe and Responsible Students
Operations and Support
Congratulations, Class of 2024!
The Class of 2024 celebrated the culmination of their K-12 educational careers with family and friends in three commencement ceremonies held at the Brevard Music Center earlier this month. Starting with Davidson River School on June 6, Brevard High School on June 7, and ending with Rosman High School on June 8, the graduations were an impressive tribute to the senior class of 2024 and all they have achieved. To view the livestreamed ceremonies, please visit
Summer School for High School Students
A two-week summer school for high school students began on Thursday, June 13 and runs until Thursday, June 27. Hours are 8am to 2pm, with breakfast, lunch and bus transportation provided. Students will work with a teacher to become proficient and master the course standards they did not fully acquire during the regular school year. It is important to remember these essential items:
- Students must pass 70% of all courses to keep their driver’s license or driver’s permit per North Carolina House Bill 769.
- To participate in upcoming fall sports and some winter sports, a student must pass 75% of all courses during spring semester.
- If a student did not score a level 3 or higher on a state EOC course, they have to retest after remediation—even if the course was passed. These scores include courses from 1st semester. EOC-tested courses are NC Math I, NC Math 3, English II, and Biology.
Reminder: TCS Offers Free Summer Lunch Program June 10 – August 15
Summer break has begun, and students may not be in our buildings, but we continue serving them and their families through the Summer Lunch Program. School Nutrition offers two free meals (hot lunch and breakfast for the next day) for all children under the age of 18 on Monday through Thursday from 11am to 2pm at Champion Park Pool in Rosman and Brevard Middle School in Brevard. Meals are pick-up only at the two sites. On Thursdays, weekend breakfast and lunch meals will also be provided. Sites are closed on Fridays. Sites will also be closed the week of July 1-5; they will reopen on Monday, July 8. For more information, contact the School Nutrition Office at (828) 885-7377.
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